During Carl DeMaio’s congressional campaign I gave a warning in this column that if the LGBT leadership did not speak out against the vicious false sexual smear campaign and gay baiting against DeMaio that in the future others would use this same tactic to destroy gay candidates; now County Supervisor Dave Roberts is being subjected to the same type of attacks. Because Todd Bosnich has recently pleaded guilty in federal court and been proven a liar you would think LGBT leaders would finally come forward and speak out about what Carl DeMaio was subjected to. The progressive and liberal City Beat newspaper even stated, “Whether you like Carl DeMaio or not, personally or politically, nothing can justify what was done to him.”
The Sacramento Bee this past Sunday wrote about the smear campaign that DeMaio was subjected to and putting the “ick” factor on the gay guy. Where does Carl DeMaio go to get his reputation back? I saw first-hand what these destructive and vicious lies did to Carl and his family, and yet then and now our LGBT leaders remain silent. Former San Diego Democratic Party Chair Jess Durfee stood outside a DeMaio congressional event with a sign that stated “I stand with Todd Bosnich.” Mr. Durfee, you owe Carl a public apology, period. The mainstream and LGBT media also owe Carl DeMaio an apology for their at times over the top tabloid-like coverage of the gay baiting campaign against DeMaio and thankfully some are trying to finally report the facts not the false accusations of the past. What has been the fallout of the successful gay baiting of DeMaio, well just ask Dave Roberts!
A former top aide of Roberts now felt very comfortable accusing the supervisor of “engaging in an improper relationship with his male driver,” stating that they even shared the same hotel room during a weekend government conference. One local paper even dared to compare the Dave Roberts accusations to that of Bob Filner. Let me tell you, Dave Roberts is a happily married gay man raising five wonderful children and his accused “male driver” is a happy heterosexual who has a steady woman dating reputation. I know them both.
The former Dave Roberts aide after the successful gay baiting and smearing tactics against DeMaio now felt very comfortable in her money motivated accusations against Roberts to also use the same method of lies against the supervisor. I ask you again, where does Dave Roberts go to get his reputation back? Once again our LGBT leaders are not speaking out. Trust me, until they do, this type of gay baiting and smear campaign against gay male candidates will continue in the future.

Carl DeMaio and Dave Roberts will not be the last to be subjected to this political gay baiting and false sexual accusations. Welcome to the return of McCarthyism.
The 9th District Council campaign
Well this campaign is already heating up with Ricardo Flores and Georgette Gomez in the lead for right now, and that could change if Caridad Sanchez decides to enter the race, but many feel she will probably not run. I have had lunch with both Flores and Gomez and spoken with Sanchez and to be very honest all three would make for a good solid progressive councilmember, but of course each has their own style and personality that truly sets them apart.
Ricardo Flores’ former boss was Todd Gloria and he is a staunch LGBT rights supporter and Georgette Gomez is an out and proud lesbian.

The 9th Council District residents are a majority Latino community but there are some very heavily LGBT neighborhoods with high voter turnout records in this district, formerly that of Councilman Todd Gloria but now Councilwoman Marti Emerald.
Rumors are that the local gay Democratic club and central committee members are leaning toward Gomez or Sanchez but everything could change in a year as we all know in politics. Ricardo Flores is expected to be able to raise a lot of money and as a chief of staff and endorsement of Councilwoman Emerald he will remain as one of the top two front runners.
Al Best Memorial
Sunday, June 28
2 p.m. at The Center
Honestly Nicole? How is the gay community obligated to speak out in support of someone who is being accused of sexual harassment by their own employee? You seem to think that just because he is gay that we have to own him.Everyone knew he was gay, the gay community loathes him because of his republican politics it is the republicans who loathe him because he is gay and this scandal just reminded them of his repugnance to them.Just because someone is gay doesn’t necessarily confer some sort of sainthood on them,And there are other issues at play in Dave Roberts little drama including illegally using taxpayer funds
So who exactly brought up the question of “sexuality”??? The campaign manager did, he was the one running around throwing it out and reporters jumped. Dave wanted to play a victim and the media feeding that is disgusting.
None of the claims mention anything like that, they mention that he favored one employee and then used that employee as his personal driver. A relationship is defined as “the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected”……… Friendships can be “inappropriate relationships”; co-workers can have “inappropriate relationships” as can a boss and employee.
This Harold person is so minute and insignificant, and he can’t see that his boss is only using him as a shield.
The larger issues here are the campaigning at work and using county employees for personal tasks.
Nobody in the office cared about anyone being gay, they cared that this “boss” was using a perk (car allowance) while also having a driver.
They want you to focus on a topic like this so that the attention is drawn away from the real issues here. Why else would be DA be investigation?
Nicole, the only thing Todd Bosnich is guilty of is lying about fabricating an email to the FBI. That we know is true. However, that does not mean that 90% of the other accusations about Carl DeMaio are also not true.
Keep in mind, there was/is still a second accuser!
Jess Durfee, Scott Peters, and anyone else who stood with Todd on those accusations do not owe DeMaio any sort of apology. The only apology that needs to be offered is from Carl to San Diego for being a complete waste of time as an elected official. His lone, single term in office amounted to epic self-aggrandizement and self-promotion that offered absolutely nothing significant for this community other than pure utter disappointment.
“Fred H” it is really a shame that you would continue to perpetuate the nasty smear against Carl. As to the “second accuser” who was the boyfriend of Alison Rentschler, the aid that was listed as a suspect with Todd Bosnich on the burglary after being fired for misconduct from the campaign, well his credibility is no better than Bosnich who is now a convicted felon. All three of these jokers met with the Peter’s campaign which accepted stolen campaign materials from them.
Carl is married to a reformed former felon… se la vie!