Speaking Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press”, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said that if the Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage later this year, he would dispute the decision, saying that the court would have decided “this case in error”.
“Of course I’d fight it,” Santorum said. “Roe versus Wade was decided 30 some years ago, and I continue to fight that, because I think the court got it wrong. And I think if the court decides this case in error, I will continue to fight, as we have on the issue of life … We’re not bound by what nine people say in perpetuity.”
Santorum argued that the executive and legislative branches are obligated to challenge the judicial branch.
“I think it’s important to understand that the Supreme Court doesn’t have the final word. It has its word. Its word has validity. But it’s important for Congress and the president, frankly, to push back when the Supreme Court gets it wrong,” he said.