This past weekend, Radio Pulso del Barrio, Bread & Salt and Roots Factory hosted an event in Logan Heights that included music, food, vendors and art. Attendees were also invited to create a print using a simple press method. You carve out your design either on a wood or rubber block, cover with paint, flip and press on paper and you got your art. This was part of the Take Back the Alley initiative that took place throughout the week.
Community members and Qualcomm volunteers participated in the event that started in 2011 by the Media Arts Center San Diego to bring awareness to these neglected areas. Many of the alleys in San Diego are intimidating due to the lack of upkeep. They can be full of broken glass, have uneven asphalt and trash. Bringing awareness and the public together to convert these spaces can be transformative. They can be utilized as congregation areas for each community.
A popular complaint among different community members at the City Council meeting May 18 was the lack of spaces in their neighborhoods in which kids could safely play. There are areas that do not have sidewalks, have outdated libraries, and unviable parks. There are articles, memes and commentary out there that complain and/or joke about “kids today” being glued to their phones, social media and or video games. No one ever seems to mention that some of these kids don’t have a safe place to be outdoors. One of the speakers was a teenage boy who asked the Council members to please fix the park in his neighborhood because he wants a place to go out with his friends.
The Take Back the Alley initiative could at least help alleviate the need for safe play areas in some neighborhoods that were mentioned at the Council meeting. As a participant you can help clean up, paint fences and light posts, do construction and some gardening. The next event will be May 29 in City Heights. You can also donate at: http://mediaartscenter.org/take-back-the-alley/

Cohort Collective had a free art show at SILO in Makers Quarter. The organization includes a contingent of diverse artists who display their work at events and have collaborations with businesses around town. There were oil paintings, mixed media, photography, wire art, murals and installations. White walls were erected in one area to display some of the art. Artists making murals and installations on the spot utilized the rest of the space. There was also a wall where guests could freely pick up a spray can and paint their tag, name or whatever their heart desired. Some of the collaborators included Exist 1981, Spenser Little, Christopher Konecki, Carly Ealey, Neko, Dolan Stearns and Joey Vaiasuso. Artists outside of the collaboration were also invited to display their work. There were really impressive and affordable one-of-a-kind pieces. Find out more at: http://www.cohortcollective.com