STILLWATER, Minn. – Inspired by the pages of her personal journal and extensive research, Barbara Tako, two-time cancer survivor shares her journey to work through her cancer experiences. Tako’s new release, Cancer Survivorship Coping Tools – We’ll get you through this: Tools for cancer’s emotional pain from a breast cancer and melanoma survivor, focuses on the emotional well-being of cancer patients, caregivers and their loved ones.
Hearing “you’ve got cancer” are three words you never forget, according to Barbara Tako. For Tako, it was a powerful awakening of panic, pain and emotional turmoil as well as fear of the treatments she would be experiencing. Her words, as written in her journal during her bouts with cancer, offer a deep insight into the healing process including the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.
Cancer Survivorship Coping Tools is an honest, and sometimes humorous account of Tako’s process. It features tips for emotional health to foster positivity, no matter where patients are in their personal journey to conquer cancer. The book is a useful tool for family members, friends and caregivers to provide a better understanding of the cancer experience and how they can help.
“I’ll never forget the day my doctor told me I had cancer—the day my life changed forever,” says Barbara Tako. “Doctors can address all of the medical aspects of your condition, but who picks you up off of the floor after you’ve been dealt the news and what helps you get through your shock of diagnosis, your active treatment time, and then the recovery process afterwards? It is my intention to fill that void for cancer patients and their loved ones with this book.”
Meet Barbara Tako. She’s a breast cancer and melanoma survivor, author, organizing/de-cluttering genius and motivational speaker. She holds a B.A. in English and psychology and lives in Minnesota with her husband, children and very energetic dogs.
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Cancer Survivorship Coping Tools – We’ll get you through this: Tools for cancer’s emotional pain from a breast cancer and melanoma survivor
By Barbara Tako
Publisher: John Hunt Publishing (Ayni Books)
Available at, Barnes & Noble and wherever books are sold
ISBN-10: 1782797750
ISBN-13: 978-1782797753
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