Iowa Western Community College will offer its students an option to choose an LGBT community dorm this fall. Step forward or segregation? The concept of community based dorms has both supporters and detractors. Supporters suggest that this community based dorms help students to better integrate with the broader college community by providing them a haven of other like minded students. Detractors suggest that segregating students from the diversity of their university creates division and does not allow students to learn about one another. Over 150 colleges and universities currently offer gender inclusive housing.
Beginning with the 2016 school year, Iowa Western Community College is giving its LGBT students an option to live in a dorm created for their community. 40 apartments on two floors will be designated as the Pride Q*ummunity clusters. “This community is meant for students who want to live with others who are committed to gender inclusion and equity,” a statement from Iowa Western reads. “This community is created for students who do not wish to live in a facility that aligns with a binary view (male/female) of gender identities or who may not feel comfortable in a traditionally gendered environment.”
Liz Luiken, Director of Student Life, told the Daily Nonpareil that the number of apartments was expanded due to initial student interest.