As a progressive Christian, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to a loving God; this article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace!
Through a series of Holy Conversations our guiding documents were created to inspire and inform a clear sense of mission, and a powerful vision to bring transformation and blessing to many more people in the years ahead.
We are an open and affirming progressive Christian community of faith. Our mission is to bring people closer to God and one another.
Core values are principles that guide our behavior. Our core values represent our most cherished beliefs and principles. Our core values are inclusion, community, spiritual transformation and justice.
Inclusion: Love is our greatest moral value. Inclusion is a primary focus of our ministry. We want to be conduits of faith where everyone is included in the family of God. We believe that all people, as they are and where they are, should be welcomed at God’s table.
Community: Our deep desire is to offer a safe and open community for people to worship, learn and grow in their faith. We are committed to equipping ourselves and each other to do the work that God has called us to do in the world.
We don’t want to become stagnant in our faith. As we live our faith through learning together, asking questions, being stretched in our thinking, we grow together. There are so many gifted people – you’ve been uniquely gifted – and I strongly encourage you to discover your gift, grow your gift, then share your gift. Not only will you be blessed, others will too!
Spiritual transformation: A message of liberation guides our ministry. We believe that when people are invited to experience God through the life and ministry of Christ, lives will be transformed.
We come to Christ just as we are, and we are changed by what we find. We experience a loving God with open arms, inviting all to take the sacred journey of faith and transformation. We are growing in our faith and claim that our place in society magnifies our place in God’s family. We are one of the many voices of God that, until recently in history, has been lost in the margins.
Justice: We are committed to uplifting all people and standing with those who suffer under the weight of oppressive systems. We are guided by our commitment to global human rights.
This is why we stand up for marriage equality, equal rights for women, support and give to Uptown Faith Community Service Center for the under-employed, work with The LGBT Center in AIDS education, serve on advisory boards for the mayor of San Diego and the San Diego County Sheriff and have been asked to hold church services for our transgender sisters at George Bailey Detention Facility; and the list goes on! We have an unfinished calling.
Our statement of vision gives us a picture of what we will look like in the years ahead if we fulfill our mission of bringing people closer to God and one another. Our vision is a view of the ideal state of this church and the impact it will have on us and our community.
Our vision is to be a vibrant, inclusive, progressive community of faith that transforms lives and transforms the world. A VIP church!
As a vibrant church: We will increasingly become a place to grow and a place to give. More people will become engaged in our mission and ministries by discovering their gifts and developing their strengths. As an engaged church many will be inspired to passionately live out their life’s purpose. A symphony of talents will produce the transforming harmony of grace and love.
“A place to grow – and a place to give.” I like that phrase. One of our strategic plans for the years ahead is to increase the number of people who are engaged in the mission and ministries of our church.
As an inclusive church: We will meet people where they are on their spiritual journey. People who encounter us will experience authentic hospitality and affirming love. We will grow in diversity.
We are called to greet people with open arms, show them love, and offer them generous hospitality. There are no regulations or hoops you have to go through in order to come to God’s table of Holy Communion – a table of all-inclusive love. And as we welcome all people we will grow in diversity. My prayer is that more and more people, from all walks of life, will come and see someone like them.
As a progressive church, we will be a beacon for equality and a force for social change. We will make a positive difference in our community and beyond. We will build bridges of understanding and cooperation with people on other spiritual paths. As we give voice to our passion for justice, we will share in the transformation of the world. Praise God!
Jesus led the way in acts of compassion and acts of justice. And because we have been a people in the margins, we understand more fully the grace of God extended to us. We continually seek to distance ourselves from exclusion and draw ourselves, including all those who are marginalized in any way, ever closer to a loving God.
This is who we are – together, let’s deepen our experience of the Divine through our acts of service, sharing our talents and giving of ourselves (time, talent and treasure). As we transform ourselves, we can’t help but transform the world around us. Through our church and our connection with MCC Global Outreach, we are advancing human rights and social justice around the globe.
Through your support and sharing your gifts we nurture and support a faith community free of judgments and self-righteousness, where Scripture is used not as a weapon to restrict, but as a bridge to understanding between all people.
Let’s continue to be MCC – a VIP (Vibrant, Inclusive and Progressive) church, bringing people closer to God and one another! Amen.