Marine Jacquie Atkinson will formally announce her candidacy for the 52nd District Congressional seat tonight at Heat on Park Boulevard. What has she been doing to prepare; busily trying to sanitize her personal Facebook and Twitter accounts and accusing Congressman Scott Peters Campaign with generating fake tweets in her name.
A little bird tweeted and this flew into my box; an image of a retweet reputedly from Jacquie Atkinson of the Ted Cruz announcement. Ms. Atkinson has wonderful, newly minted Twitter and Facebook accounts associated with her Congressional race, but her former accounts are as hard to find as a self-accepting transgender person at a Republican Party function. So since I was not able to verify the tweet, San Diego LGBT Weekly did not run the story.
Then Ms. Atkinson sent out a press release entitled “Atkinson Blasts Rep. Peters for “Dirty Tricks.” Voters, we have been down this path before. Atkinson’s mentor Carl DeMaio implicated Congressman Peters’ 2014 campaign of orchestrating a break-in at DeMaio’s campaign office. It was later discovered that DeMaio campaign staffers were the focus of the burglary investigation. DeMaio walked back the implication. Now Atkinson is using the same tactic. But this time Atkinson is leaving herself absolutely no wiggle room. She has directly implicated Congressman Peters “camp” of creating a fake Twitter account to smear her.
Atkinson’s press release says “Congressman Scott Peters’ campaign has resorted to smear tactics once again. While Congressional candidate Jacquie Atkinson was in the Middle East this past week, the Scott Peters camp created a false twitter handle @CA52Jacquie to impersonate Atkinson and then began smearing Atkinson by falsely accusing her of authoring tweets. Atkinson’s official twitter handle is @VoteAtkinson – not @CA52Jacquie.” Ms Atkinson stated “This despicable action is typical of the Peters camp. While I was overseas in the Middle East working to keep our country safe, Congressman Peters was at home cooking up ways to lie about my record and smear me online.”
I think Ms. Atkinson is quite clear with her statement. Given that clarity, she needs to provide the press and the voter proof of her claim. The voter deserves to know the truth and Ms. Atkinson is the only one who seems to have proof of what she espouses. Without proof, to make such an accusation about Congressman Peters and his camp is unconscionable. Ms. Atkinson, please provide the documentation to back-up your claims. Anything less, you should look in the mirror and utter the words “despicable me.”
Given the people with which Ms. Atkinson has surrounded herself, it is not a surprise that even before her first campaign event Atkinson is making unsubstantiated allegations. She has reputedly hired many of DeMaio’s former congressional race staffers, including Tommy Knepper, who was the campaign manager in DeMaio’s race against Congressman Peters. You might remember Knepper; he wrote a memo on how to detect opposition spies, known as trackers, at DeMaio events. Knepper suggested that if a person was Black, young at a Saturday morning event, or simply young, it was an indication they might be trackers for the Peters’ campaign. The paranoia that was a theme in the DeMaio campaign is already rearing its ugly head in Atkinson’s run. I could be wrong and Atkinson could produce the proof. If you’ve got it Jacquie, please, please, let me get the scoop.
I have a feeling that no proof for the unsubstantiated allegations against Congressman Peters’ camp will be forthcoming. If so, Ms. Atkinson you are off to quite a remarkable start. Let the backpedaling begin.
Why is she announcing her candidacy for the 52nd Congressional District at a restaurant in the 53rd? Couldn’t find a friendly venue in the district she wants to represent? Sure it’s just a coincidence the owner of Heat is part of DeMaio partner Hale’s inner circle at the HBA
You are absolutely correct. Great way to announce your campaign, I don’t know where the district lines are, or worse, I don’t care. A rookie mistake of many to come.
Rookie mistakes by an under informed gay woman. Truth is if you ask her what exactly a moderate democrat Scott Peters does that goes against what she honestly believes she won’t be able to answer. Gay individuals supporting a party that does not want them confuse me to no end.
To the “curious” and “53rd District Resident” :Since you are such cowards not use your names in your fluffy and desperate nip at Ms. Atkinson, on where she is announcing her campaign. It is HER campaign, to decide where her announcement is,not yours. As for your cowardly snark against Heat Bar and Grill,being in the “inner circle, ” F.Y.I.Heat is a business,thus part of the Hillcrest Business Association like many others in Hillcrest. How sad a life to nit pick. Thank You Stampp Corbin for another petty rant against the boogeymen and women that do not hold your liberal views. Tolerance? LOL!
Jeffrey Douglas the Carl DeMaio quisling du jour desperately trying to score ‘brownie points’ with the Doug Manchester GOP downtown establishment stooges.
Jeffrey you’re queer and you’re never really going to be accepted by them no matter how hard you try to bash your own kind in the progressive/liberal gay community.
These sad Log Cabin types always playing the eternal victim is a tired story that isn’t lost on anyone. Now go try and sell some real estate and do something productive.
Zach Powers..Please save your drama. “Bashing?” The publisher and above comments are “bashing” another LGBT woman,but that’s okay. I (we) are not children trying to be accepted but to have more inclusion in our county AND state
We made history by being “accepted” and chartered with the state GOP with a 80% vote for us not against us. Pat us on the head all you want, we are making change. Victim mentality..LMAO! LGBT Weekly is pages upon pages of look they are MEAN to us. Nothing ever positive,that’s why the homeless use the paper for cushioning in Hillcrest. Yep. )) Have a nice weekend.
Momentum: Is building quickly for Trump supporter and CA-52 Congressional Candidate Terry Reagan Allvord, a combat veteran who stood-up to anti-Trump rioters for 27 consecutive hours. He’s now running neck and neck with the establishment in San Diego.
After spending months on street corners speaking with voters he’s leading the way in taking the wheel back from those determined to destroy America. He needs our help to speak up this week to send a message to the nation that Trump candidates can win California.
The Trump Train must mobilize NOW to WIN big next Tuesday, but we ALL have to do the work. “Like” and “Share” daily to make sure all your “Like-minded” Trump friends get out and vote! One week! Step up and get it done!
Put America-First and Vote Trump and Terry Reagan Allvord for Congress. We can put him over the top – Vote Trump / Reagan!!!