As a progressive Christian, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to a loving God; this article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace!
In every church and organization it’s important to periodically engage in what we call Holy Conversations; an intentional time of focusing on the future to carefully and prayerfully consider our identity as a congregation and also to discern what we are called to become and be doing in the years ahead.
At the heart of this process was a series of three congregational forums and two online congregational surveys. It was an opportunity for the whole church to be involved. The purpose of this process was “to inspire and inform a clear sense of mission, and a powerful vision to bring transformation and blessing to many more people in the years ahead.”
One of the truths revealed in our Holy Conversations is that we are, indeed, a progressive Christian community of faith. Initially, MCC was started to be a “church” for all of those in the LGBT community who were disenfranchised from or kicked out of the churches they grew up in. MCC was founded in, and now reaching beyond, the LGBTQ community. We are in the business of transforming ourselves as we transform the world.
MCC San Diego is an open and affirming progressive faith community. We believe God values everyone and leaves no one out. We believe in a God who is concerned with every human being personally and accepts each one with unconditional love.
Many here have found their connection to God through the life, teachings, and ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus is our model for care, compassion and community. We also recognize and respect those who find their connection to God though other spiritual paths. We are not spiritual elitists. This is being inclusive.
Jesus connected with and respected people from all walks of life, and different beliefs, and no beliefs at all. One of the principles of Progressive Christianity is to find the unity and sacredness of all life by following the path of Jesus and also, to find value from other sources of wisdom.
We believe one of the ways in which God speaks to us is through the Bible. We consider its accounts and teachings in light of their historical and cultural context. Remember that phrase that many theologians use: “I take the Bible seriously, not literally.” It is an inspired book that has withstood the test of time. We remember also, that it was written by people over many centuries – and as we look at the timeless truths in the Bible we view them in this light.
We are guided by Jesus’ teaching of the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” And the greatest Commandments: “Love God with all your heart; and love your neighbor as yourself.”
I love this! Can you imagine if the whole world would live by these words of Jesus? May we strive to do this here at The Met. Imagine the energy of healing and love that would permeate everything we do. This really sums up the saying by Francis of Assisi: “Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.”
Our mission is to bring people closer to God and one another. Concise. To the point. Powerful! And most important, easy to remember!
Reiterating what you, as a church, affirmed: “We are an open and affirming faith community. With roots in the teachings and spiritual practices of Christianity, we are also respectful of the rich wisdom of other faith traditions.”
This is why we offer classes about other faith traditions and sacred teachings – in order to build bridges, to focus on the similarities, not to point out the differences in an elitist approach.
Here at MCC San Diego, we affirm each individual as a unique and gifted creation of God. Building on our history of celebrating diversity in sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity, we are a congregation that welcomes all people. Our two fastest growing demographics are our transgendered and heterosexual sisters and brothers! I celebrate that!
Therefore, in fulfilling our mission of bringing people closer to God and one another, we are called to:
Teach and practice the Good News of God’s unconditional love for all people.
Welcome home those who have been spiritually wounded or are seeking or growing a relationship with God.
Actively promote equality and justice for all people.
Be fully engaged in our own growth and with others on their spiritual journey to hope, healing and wholeness.
In a nutshell, we are called to be light to God’s unconditional love for all people – come just as you are.
Our Scripture reading this morning talks about God’s unconditional love: “For God so loved the world that God gave us Jesus, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” I also like the King James Version of this, “… that whosoever believeth in him …”
That leaves no one out! So many people have been hurt by church and religion. We have a great opportunity when we hear conversations like this to say, “You should try out my church, I’ll bring you, I’ll save you a seat.” No, we are not perfect. There is no perfect church! However, I sure can get behind a mission statement like this and I want to do all I can to bring people closer to God and one another. Amen.