As a progressive Christian, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to a loving God; this article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace!
Recently, we had Kristoffer Kennelly, a congregant at The Met, share his journey upon receiving a diagnosis and prognosis for cancer after having found a lump in his lymph nodes. It was so very powerful; I wanted to share it with you.
Kristoffer grew up Mormon (LDS) and remembered when he was 19, on his first mission trip to Japan, going into the home of an elegant elderly woman. His more seasoned LDS companion was doing the talking and was trying to get in the house to have a deeper conversation. The wise woman thanked them for stopping by and almost ignoring her, Kristoffer’s companion kept on talking, she had to interrupt him and wisely said, “We have a saying here, there are many paths leading up to the top of Mount Fuji, and each one has to find their own path.” Kristoffer heard the wisdom in this and stopped his companion from talking. They left her house and Kristoffer knew he was living someone else’s path and he left his mission trip and the LDS.
Years later, he is invited to Metropolitan Community Church (The Met) by a co-worker. He would zip in and zip out – and one Sunday he ran into someone he had dated years and years ago – they reconnected and it was true love. Kristoffer married David! Aww! It was a beautiful wedding ceremony. They opened up a pub and life was busy, full and blessed; then the lump was discovered.
Kristoffer’s first reaction was one of anger, then grief, then loss and fear. He talked about looking at the holes in his life due to this diagnosis and prognosis and then he had a mental clearing and a soul’s baptism. The holes became places of wholeness! He realized he had been given a blessing by having mortality look him in the face. His entire perspective changed.
So now, he wakes up in the morning determined to live each day to the fullest. Sunsets have become more precious to him – as they symbolize the end of a day and an opportunity for him to reflect on what he did that was positive for him and for others that day. He then shared several things he does that help him not only live and love life, but to live in the now. Here they are (in his words):
First and foremost, I see myself as whole, not a disease.
I no longer feel the need or desire to control anything outside of me.
I take nothing for granted, not time, people or dreams.
I see the blessings and magic in everything around me, the good, the bad, the happy and the scary.
I go within for answers instead of placing blame or pointing fingers.
I recognize greatness in others, even when they don’t see it themselves.
I respond more and react less.
I no longer fear my moments alone and treasure the time of gentle contemplation (prayer is speaking to God, meditation is listening to God).
I don’t hold back tears, for joy or sorrow. They are the baptism of my soul.
I nurture my strengths and lovingly accept my weaknesses.
I no longer see lack in my world, but beautiful abundance.
I wake each day with “yes” on my lips. Yes I can. Yes I am happy. Yes I am fulfilled and blessed.
I take moments daily, to breathe. Just a moment to find that place of light.
Thank you, Kristoffer, for bravely sharing your journey. It is inspiring. God bless you!