Dear Anthony Bernal …

First of all, let me say that I like Anthony and I believe he has a future in politics, but there is a far more qualified candidate running for the Third District Council seat. As many of you know I have supported straight candidates over gay candidates but this council race has to do with proven leadership and community involvement and Anthony’s record does not compare to that of Chris Ward. I have read Anthony’s commentaries in the Advocate and Gay San Diego and to be honest he did a lot of “window dressing” with no real substance or sense. The facts are that for decades the Fourth Council District is considered the seat at the City Hall table for African Americans and the Eighth District for Latinos (hopefully the Sixth District will become the Council seat for our city’s large Asian community).

And yes, the Third District has been seating a gay or lesbian to have a voice at City Hall for our community these last 24 years. As the people of color and LGBT communities have learned, “If you’re not at the table you’re on the menu.”

I ask Mr. Bernal, would a serious Latino candidate run in the Fourth District? Would a serious African American run in the Eighth District? No! Because we respect and know how important it is to have representation of our communities at the table.

Chris Kehoe, Toni Atkins and Todd Gloria were all chiefs of staff or senior deputies when they ran for City Council and Chris Ward is also an experienced chief of staff.

With all due respects, Mr. Bernal, your being on the staff and working for the popular incumbent does not make you the most qualified candidate.

Chris Ward has been endorsed by the last three previous Third District Councilmembers: Chris Kehoe, John Hartley and Toni Atkins (both gay and straight). Almost every major civic leader has endorsed Ward, from Donna Frye and Myrtle Cole to Nathan Fletcher and, sad to say, Mr. Bernal has not received any major endorsements at all.

And in my opinion, Mr. Bernal misrepresents his campaign by posting in his commentaries big pictures of him with Stewart Milk and Todd Gloria who both have not endorsed him. And while I know that Anthony is a hard working City worker, he seems to be trying to take co-credit for all of Todd Gloria’s many successes. (If anyone should be given some credit it would most certainly be Jaime Fox who is Todd’s chief of staff.)

As a proud Latino man I would like to see more representation of this community but as Anthony knows he and I had a long lunch where he revealed an almost dismissive knowledge of the San Diego Latino community, its organizations and leaders and that is why major Latinos have felt very comfortable endorsing Chris Ward including David Alvarez, Lorena Gonzalez, Larry Baza, Gill Cabrera, Kevin DeLeon and Rafael Castellanos to name a few.

While Todd Gloria and Steven Whitburn split the LGBT community in their City Council race Chris Ward comes into this campaign with a very united LGBT community solidly behind him. I told Anthony that he should run for the Ninth District City Council seat and still believe that he could be a good candidate in the future. Anthony, you need more time to mature and really get to know and get more involved with our Latino community.

Let me make it very clear this is not about being gay or straight, this is about qualifications and experienced leadership and a proven community record all of which Chris Ward has earned and achieved these last two decades and, once again with all due respect, you lack.

This week Sarah Boot dropped out of her State Assembly race and endorsed Todd Gloria. I, like many, would like to see her in public office someday and believe she has a very bright future ahead of her. Anthony Bernal, you also should do the right thing and drop out of a race that you can’t and will not win, as so many of us feel you’re a really nice guy with a possible political future, but this is not the time or office or opponent. Period.

3 thoughts on “Dear Anthony Bernal …

  1. District 3 shall be for the gays. District 4 shall be for the blacks. District 8 shall be for the Mexicans. District 6 shall be for the Asians. This is starting to sound like a bad sequel to the Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favor.

    1. Nailed it! Identity politics suck. I’ll never vote for someone because of the boxes they check on a census form. Elections have to be about ideas. Sad that feeble minds will never understand this.

  2. this is so sad someone like Nicole has such blatant discrimination. This article basically says unless your gay you won’t win this district. Elections should be about ideas for that community. It shouldn’t be based on race, age, sexual preference, looks or anything but ideas and action. very sad that this author has a feeble mind and couldn’t even articulate a reason why he should drop out besides not being gay.
    And if Todd Gloria doesn’t think Anthony is doing a good job as his employee, why would he still keep him on staff. I think every day he is still employed is an endorsement on how hard he is working for the district.
    Hopefully people will see past race and sexual preferences and look at ideas and work ethic

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