HRC is working to counter a wave of anti-LGBT bills that have been filed by state legislators across the country, writes Hayley Miller on the HRC Blog. More than 85 bills have been filed in 26 state legislatures.
There are currently four major types of anti-LGBT bills being filed in state legislatures. These bills would:
1. Allow individuals, businesses, universities, adoption agencies, and others to use religion to challenge or opt out of laws, including state and local laws that protect LGBT people from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations;
2. Prohibit cities and towns from protecting LGBT people from discrimination;
3. Criminalize transgender people for using appropriate restrooms; and
4. Explicitly protect therapists who engage in harmful “conversion therapy”.
The diversity of the legislation is unprecedented and a record number of bills have been introduced.
Together, these bills undermine, and even cripple, fundamental protections and basic dignity for LGBT Americans and other minority groups.
To learn more about the bills and the states where they have been introduced, check out the map below or click here.