This April, join in the fight against AIDS by simply enjoying a great meal with family or friends for Dining Out For Life hosted by Subaru,a delicious event held in 60 cities across North America. The fundraiser was dreamed up twenty-five years ago by a volunteer at ActionAIDS in Philadelphia and is magnificent in its simplicity. More than 3,000 restaurants have enlisted to participate by donating a generous portion of the day’s proceeds to support their local AIDS service organization (which promotes their participation) to fund care, prevention, education, testing, counseling and other essential HIV/AIDS services.An estimated $4 million will be raised during just one day of dining out.
New York City is among the newest locations joining Dining Out For Life this year with beneficiary Bailey House, an organization that provides supportive housing to men, women and children with HIV/AIDS in neighborhoods throughout the city. Also on board again this year are four charitable celebrities and active spokespeople, including designer Mondo Guerra, winner of Project Runway All-Stars, Ted Allen, host of Food Network’s popular show Chopped, actor Pam Grier (Foxy Brown, Jackie Brown) and chef Daisy Martinez from Food Network’s ¡Viva Daisy!
In San Diego, restaurants and bars across the city pledge to donate 25-100% of that day’s food and liquor sales to benefit HIV/AIDS services and prevention programs at The Center.
For more information on the San Diego event visit: or find us on Facebook!