During Michael Jackson’s multiple facial surgeries and skin whitening procedures, armchair psychologists said his intent was clear, if troubling. The most commonly expressed reason given for the ever changing face and complexion of Jackson was he wanted to be less black.
Longtime late night TV host and author Dick Cavett once told me he had been in show business so long he actually remembered when Michael Jackson was black. Cavett makes no mention of the late Jackson in his latest book, Brief Encounters: Conversations, Magic Moments, and Assorted Hijinks (Henry Holt, $26). Cavett does have a fond remembrance of another late entertainer, James Gandolfini. He shares a story in which Gandolfini said he looked ‘faggy’ to his friends because of a brief encounter with Cavett. After this they kiss in public, Cavett writes, “I guess you had to be there.”
While armchair psychologists thought they had Jackson “pegged,” the various faces of Bruce Jenner have had everyone from Howard Stern to Johnny Carson asking audiences if they have seen Jenner lately. These mentions were in response to Jenner’s multiple face surgeries. No one knew what Jenner was up to except that he was a fool for a new face on a regular basis.
A recent quick purchase at a market gives curious onlookers more information on the curious looks of Jenner. In one photograph of the former athlete, an arrow points to his face with the words: “mascara and makeup.” In another colorful photograph of Jenner, “the world’s greatest athlete,” according to his website, we are told: “His breasts are getting bigger.” Another photograph tells us he has had a manicure and shows him with brightly colored fingernails.
I am not a viewer of reality shows based on Jenner and his family. I don’t know their deepest secrets or desires except that of all people: Money. I don’t know how long the show has aired or its long-term broadcast prospects.
If the Jenner reality show has lost its pizzazz, Jenner’s apparent deep-felt decision to transition at a time of broad national support for transgender Americans could produce more episodes. Will Bruce take a female name? Will Bruce find women or men sexually appealing? Will the “new” Bruce, face and other parts, be invited to appear on a box of Wheaties? Will Bruce return to sports as a path breaking transgender athlete?
Despite these programming questions, the serious question is does Jenner help or hurt the cause of transgender acceptance? I ask this because Howard Stern, Johnny Carson and everybody ever in standup has mocked and laughed at Jenner, now 65, for his facial variations. To the blunt observation of comics, Jenner is a longtime joke as a person, celebrity, former athlete, etc.
Can one seen as a joke by Hollywood bring seriousness to the issue of transgender rights? I know many of my trans friends will say another high profile transgender celebrity, even a celebrity like Jenner, can only help the cause. Really?
I don’t recall that high profile Florida Republican Congressman Mark Foley did much to help gay rights when he announced he was gay in 2006. Foley, now 60, was the type of longstanding closeted gay man the LGBT community could not embrace upon his resignation from Congress for sending sexually suggestive emails to young boys.
Apparently the only crimes Jenner has committed are his reality shows and the willingness of his media-hungry offspring to do anything, perhaps even give birth on camera, if the reality TV audience demands it
I think it entirely possible Jenner can make an important contribution to transgender rights. To make an accomplishment though, he will have to do something he has not yet done. He will have to convincingly explain to people why it was important for him to transition. He will have to step forward and be a transgender spokesperson.
Until Jenner successfully does that in a way that touches people and changes minds about his personality and the long laughter years, I don’t see him making a major contribution toward justice and acceptance for the transgender community. Transitioning, especially in the public eye, is a difficult process.
I genuinely wish Bruce and his family well as they grow and change as individuals. In the end, his sole contribution may be that he inspired others to become their true selves.
Human Rights Advocate Jim Patterson is a writer, speaker, and lifelong diplomat for dignity for all people. In a remarkable life spanning the civil rights movement to today’s human rights struggles, he stands as a voice for the voiceless. A prolific writer, he documents history’s wrongs and the struggle for dignity to provide a roadmap to a more humane future. Learn more at www.HumanRightsIssues.com
If Bruce Jenner has any concern or compassion at all for other transgender people, he should make his declaration ASAP, and not during TV shows scheduled with maximum ratings in mind. It took me a long time to get over it, but I used to live in fear of hearing the kind of negativity that surrounds Bruce and his transition. My heart aches for those transgender people who may be affected by this circus, afraid to open the closet door for fear it leads right into the big top. What we imagine can or will happen is bad enough; we don’t need media (negative) reinforcement as well. Nobody believes that Bruce is in the closet anymore, including Bruce (if not, he’s heavily in denial). He needs to step up NOW! (and I will be the first to use the feminine pronouns when I hear of it).