Bruce Jenner’s mother confirms transition speculation

For months supermarket tabloids have speculated on Bruce Jenner’s appearance with one even publishing a crudely Photoshopped picture of Jenner as a woman.

Now in an interview with AP Bruce Jenner’s mother, Esther Jenner, 88, has confirmed her son’s transition to a woman.

Pink News reported that when asked whether Bruce had raised their gender identity with Esther, she said: “It was brief and I said I was proud of him and that I’ll always love him. I never thought I could be more proud of Bruce when he reached his goal in 1976, but I’m more proud of him now. It takes a lot of courage to do what he’s doing.”

“He said, ‘Mom, I’m still the same person.’ He said, ‘I’m still going to race cars, I’m still going to fly airplanes and I’m going to get my helicopter license.’ she said of Jenner’s coming out to her.

Saying it “was a surprise” and “a shock”, Esther Jenner went on to say: “The family is close and very supportive of Bruce and we’re supportive of each other.”

“It’s hard to wrap your mind around it,” she continued.

According to Esther, Bruce said: “‘I want to be honest about my identity and I know this is coming out in the press.’ He started by saying, ‘We need to have a long, serious talk.’ I am at peace with what he is and what he’s doing.”

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