Transgender Law Center to represent A.T. Furuya over Aztec Recreation Center incident

A.T. Furuya | Photo: Autumn Sandeen

Transgender Law Center (TLC) Legal Director Ilona Turner confirmed today that TLC has agreed to represent transgender graduate student A.T. Furuya over the Jan. 14 incident at the San Diego State University (SDSU) Aztec Recreation Center (ARC). Furuya used the men’s locker room at the ARC gym at SDSU on that date, and was allegedly told by ARC staff that “she” needed to leave the men’s locker room.

“I am thankful for the Transgender Law Center in offering support and legal guidance,” Furuya told LGBT Weekly. “I want trans and gender nonconforming folks to have easy access to know their rights and that companies, educational systems and other organizations be held accountable when they violate them.”

“Asking transgender and gender nonconforming people to be understanding and patient when they are being harassed because the rest of society harbors internalized prejudice and ignorance is telling us we are less than human and we don’t deserve respect,” continued Furuya.  “We deserve to live in this society freely with our identities and without discrimination.”

Furuya expressed the hope that TLC representing him over this incident will help “empower other trans and gender nonconforming people to know that there is something they can do.”

Check for updates on this developing story.

2 thoughts on “Transgender Law Center to represent A.T. Furuya over Aztec Recreation Center incident

  1. Thanks to that now there are private showers. It sucks now no one walks around naked. Everyone is paranoid. Men can no longer trust other men

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