Ellen DeGeneres responds to pastor over homophobic screed (VIDEO)

Ellen DeGeneres doesn’t often read press about herself, she explained this week on The Ellen DeGenerous Show. Yet, she made an exception after hearing about pastor Larry Tomczak’s op-ed in the Christian Post.
The op-ed, titled “Are You Aware of the Avalanche of Gay Programming Assaulting Your Home?,” is a basic homophobic screed, which lists television programming that Tomczak believes is promoting a “gay agenda.”
In is bigoted rant, Tomczack singles out DeGeneres stating: “Ellen DeGeneres’ celebrates her lesbianism and ‘marriage’ in between appearances of guests like Taylor Swift to attract young girls.”
DeGeneres’s response to the pastor is absolutely perfect:  “Attention youth of the world, I want you to live your lives being exactly who you are. Be true to yourself.”

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