Allison Woolbert’s resignation: An object lesson on the value of thorough vetting

If there ever is an object lesson about vetting leadership for transgender specific organizations, Allison Woolbert’s elevation to executive director of the Transgender Human Rights Institute (THRI) start-up nonprofit and creation of the Trans* Violence Tracking Portal (TVTP) should be that lesson. Allison Woolbert recently resigned as executive director of Transgender Human Rights Institute (THRI)…

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The Drop

dvd of the week Tom Hardy is Bob, a slow-talking, seemingly sweet bartender, who finds an abandoned pit bull and nurses him back to health with Nadia, a wary woman with a past (Noomi Rapace). Bob works for Cousin Marv (James Gandolfini in his last role), who has made a series of terrible deals with…

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dvr this HBO, Sundays, 10 p.m. The second season of HBO’s divisive series about a group of gay men in San Francisco has arrived. The first season began with screeching fights on social media about the show and its narcissistic, somewhat unbelievable characters, but as the episodes piled up, those of us who kept watching…

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