Carl DeMaio missing from Pride parade while Scott Peters marches

Questions arose this weekend over the whereabouts of congressional candidate Carl DeMaio, when he failed to show up for Saturday’s San Diego Pride parade. The parade, which attracted an estimated 300,000 participants and spectators, included many elected officials and candidates including DeMaio’s opponent Scott Peters, Speaker of the Assembly Toni Atkins, District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis,…

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Cuban Fury

dvd of the week Despite promises from the film’s distributor, Cuban Fury was never shown in San Diego. Now this delightful film is on DVD. Nick Frost plays Bruce, a chunky Brit with a job in middle management. As a teen, he had been something else: a confident champion salsa dancer. On his way to…

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Fever Pitch

dvr this On Netflix While I have almost no interest in sports, let alone the World Cup, I love sports movie. Fever Pitch is Nick Hornby’s film, based on his memoir, about his love for soccer, or as they say in Britain, “football,” and his love for women, and how these intertwine. Colin Firth plays…

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