
In response to Nicole’s comments about Harvey Milk’s American Diner Dear Editor, I found Nicole’s comment regarding the closing of the Harvey Milk Diner a bit harsh. Despite how it ended, the gentlemen who created and managed the restaurant deserve some kudos for their efforts and hard work. Nicole, who had his finger in the…

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Potential Massachusetts Superior Court Judge says as gay man, he must be sensitive to problems faced by LGBT people

If, and it’s not really a big if, but if District Court Judge Mark Mason joins the Massachusetts’ Superior Court, he already understands the special role he will play in cases involving the criminal justice system and members of the LGBT Community. As an openly gay man he feels added responsibility to be sensitive to…

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The economic impact of same-sex marriage: A $2.5 billion question

In the past month, same-sex marriage has gained momentum across the country as more federal judges reject state laws that have banned the unions. Key decisions for Kansas, Missouri, Ohio and Tennessee have all centered on the legal question of same-sex marriage. But outside the courtrooms, one impact of expanding the definition of legal marriage is…

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President names second Indian-American as liaison to LGBT community

Indian-American Aditi Hardikar has been appointed to a key White House position as liaison with the LGBT as well as the Asian American and Pacific Islanders communities. Hardikar, who till recently was director of the LGBT Leadership Council at the Democratic National Committee, replaces another Indian-American, Gautam Raghavan, at the White House, who has now…

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