
In response to ‘Open letter to Kevin Faulconer’ (issue 137, Jan. 2) Dear Editor, I read the Open letter to Kevin Faulconer and I was astonished by your outrageous conduct, and I will analyze your letter as follows: 1. You addressed to Faulconer with the word “Dear”. Under no circumstances is he your “Dear”. Look…

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Russian editor fined for printing interview with gay teacher

Alexander Suturin, chief editor of  Khabarovsk newspaper, Molodoi Dalnevostochnik,was fined yesTerday under the new Russian “Anti-gay Propaganda” laws for for printing an interview with a gay teacher who said ‘being gay is normal’. Molodoi Dalnevostochnik, the oldest publication in the  region, came under fire because it bears a label warning people only above the age of 16 to visit its Web site,…

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NOM abandons core mission, promotes anti-LGBT hate

WASHINGTON – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), an organization that claims to be focused solely on marriage, is increasingly embracing dangerous and extremist anti-LGBT viewpoints following years of electoral and legislative losses. While NOM has long tried to portray itself as a mainstream organization – even at times supporting civil unions – its most recent activities…

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Growing up gay and Catholic in Texas – a memoir (VIDEO)

http://youtu.be/1AjHeuw5IKs Out on Feb. 25, Teaching the Cat to Sit is a memoir by Michelle Theall about growing up gay and Catholic in Texas. In 2010, Michelle Theall and her partner were living in Boulder, Colo. and had their adopted son enrolled at a Catholic school. When the school announced that all children of gay…

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PlanetRomeo gives 1,526 Russian gays a voice

AMSTERDAM –Russia’s  adoption of an “Anti-Gay Propaganda Law” caused enormous outrage in the LGBT-community and the rest of the world.  PlanetRomeo, one of the oldest and largest gay dating and social networking platforms in the world, surveyed 1,526 Russian users on how these laws influence them in their daily life, if they face any form of…

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