12 Years a Slave

dvd of the week Steve McQueen’s remarkable 12 Years a Slave is based on the 1855 autobiography of Solomon Northup, played in the film by the great British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor. Solomon was born free and educated in upstate New York, and while his wife and children are away, he is kidnapped and sold into…

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dvr this The CW, Mondays, 8 p.m. While the CW is best known for soapy teen dramas, often with a supernatural twist, the also-ran network is not known for high quality. But it should be. The new sci-fi shows on TV this year have huge budgets on ABC and Fox, but they’re better written and…

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Tiring of Bill’s Thailand (mis)adventures and more Dear Editor, Let me applaud your paper’s determination to present views from many LGBT groups and the attempt by Mr. Hanson’s column to widen the age range. He wants to speak for those of us who are seniors (I’m 71). Unfortunately his ramblings are often just that, ramblings….

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Seven points

That is the amount by which David Alvarez lost the mayoral race to Kevin Faulconer. First, the LGBT community did not sell out. It voted overwhelmingly for David Alvarez in the “gayborhoods” of Hillcrest, North Park, University Heights and South Park. Meaning in most precincts Alvarez got more than 70 percent of the vote, just…

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Marriage equality: it’s not over ’til it’s over

The string of victories for marriage equality since the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions on the Defense of Marriage Act and Prop. 8 have the LGBT community understandably excited, and some pundits surprisingly unhinged. David Cohen and Dahlia Lithwick of Slate have declared “It’s over” of the court debate. Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post’s blog…

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Lyrical things

Spring is in the air (here in San Diego of course, spring looks a lot like summer and winter), March is nearly upon us and I am feeling just a little lyrical. Or maybe there are a slew of lyrical-like activities happening in town these next few weeks. What could be more poetic in nature…

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The City: Top to Bottom

thursday, feb. 27 Marcus Kenney Lux Institute’s current artist in residence is Marcus Kenney. Poverty, alienation and social injustice are frequent themes in the multimedia works of Georgian painter and sculptor Kenney. His subjects, both humorous and macabre, suggest Southern Gothic dramas with folksy cross-cultural references. Kenney’s mixed media paintings and sculptures with found objects…

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