Testosterone therapy: understanding the real meaning of recent trials

Two recently published trials, which have been sensationalized by the news media, suggest that testosterone replacement therapy may increase the risk of heart disease and/or stroke. These were poorly designed studies which conflict with numerous previous medical trials which showed the beneficial effects of testosterone on the heart and that a low testosterone level in…

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Letters In Response to Jess Durfee’s letter and Stampp Corbin’s editorial (LGBT Weekly March 27, issue 143) Dear Editor, Even gay and lesbian history repeats itself. In 1938 feminist/lesbian Gertrude Stein nominated Adolf Hitler for a Nobel Peace Prize. So I think we shouldn’t be too tough on Bonnie Dumanis for supporting Mr. Dronenburg. We…

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12th annual ‘Children’s Easter Egg Hunt:’ April 20

Last year about 500 children and their families gathered for the Imperial Court de San Diego’s annual Children’s Easter Egg Hunt at  Trolley Barn Park on Adams Avenue in University Heights. Founded by City Commissioner Nicole Murray Ramirez and grandmother Linda Childs this has now become an annual tradition co-sponsored by Family Matters, The LGBT…

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Marriage equality in Taiwan lacks force of law despite social acceptance

TAIWAN — Despite  growing social acceptance of marriage between same-sex couples, equality in Taiwan remains largely a dream because of a lack of legal recognition reports gayasianews.com In the past, same-sex relations were taboo but recent studies show attitudes are changing, said a taipeitimes.com report citing last year’s poll conducted by Academia Sinica showing 52 percent…

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