Toni Atkins sworn in as first lesbian Assembly speaker

San Diego’s leaders and public officials flooded the hall at the Balboa Park Club Friday as Assemblywoman Toni Atkins was ceremonially sworn in as this city’s first speaker of the assembly and the California State Assembly’s first lesbian speaker. Even though Atkins’ official swearing in happened last month in Sacramento, a jubilant atmosphere filled the…

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GSDBA’s ‘Start Up to Success’ program debuts with special luncheon featuring Eugene Cornelius, June 12

Eugene Cornelius will be the keynote speaker at the GSDBA June 12 Business Luncheon and Annual Board of Directors Induction ceremony. This event is sponsored by the W Hotel. Cornelius is responsible for management and oversight of over 90 offices covering all 50 states, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and U.S. Territories.  As the…

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Local author contributes to writing project promoting safer sex

Walter G. Meyer, the author of the critically-acclaimed and Amazon best-selling novel, Rounding Third, has contributed a short story to the Real Story Safe Sex Project using the characters from his novel to make a point to teens and twenty somethings about discussing—and practicing safer sex. “The whole point of the Real Story Safe Sex…

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My two dads: does gender matter when raising children?

The question of children’s welfare has been at the center of the legal and political debates over same-sex marriage for the last couple of decades. According to the 2010 Census – the first to provide same-sex couples that live together the option to report themselves as married partners – 48 percent of LGBT women and 20 percent…

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Southwest Airlines recognizes Gay Pride Month in June and all year long

DALLAS — Southwest Airlines (NYSE: LUV) has announced that the company proudly shows its dedication to the LGBT community through its recognition of Gay Pride Month in June and its support of LGBT-focused community partnerships throughout the year. “Southwest Airlines has a unique culture based on respect, recognizing the value of all our employees, the importance…

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General Mills celebrates Pride Month with #LuckyToBe campaign featuring a rainbow marshmallow (VIDEO) In celebration of Pride Month, General Mills, maker of the iconic and sugary Lucky Charms cereal, has launched a new commercial entitled “2014/Lucky To Be” (#LuckyToBe). The 53-second spot, now on YouTube, features a peppy banjo-infused track and a rainbow of colors that include, of course, a new marshmallow in the shape of a…

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North Dakota makes 31: Every state with a marriage ban now has a court challenge

Today seven same-sex couples in North Dakota filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the state’s constitutional amendment banning marriage equality.  Before today, North Dakota was the last remaining state with a marriage ban and no court case challenging it. The case was filed by Minneapolis attorney Josh Newville, who recently filed a similar case…

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ABC News/Washington Post Poll: Americans’ ideology and age drive gay marriage views

Ideology and a vast age gap mark public attitudes about gay marriage, supported in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll by 77 percent of adults under age 30 – vs. just half as many seniors. Most Americans overall, 56 percent, support allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally, not significantly different from the all-time high,…

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Michael Sam, Frank Ocean and Iggy Azalea voted as top new gay icons for 2014 by Jack’d community

BOSTON — Jack’d, the international gay app has announced that its members voted Michael Sam of the St. Louis Rams as the top new gay icon for 2014. The nomination is the first in a series of announcements resulting from a user poll that surveyed the global Jack’d community on attitudes about gay pride and LGBT celebrities…

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Telling all of America’s story: The National Park Service announces LGBT theme study

Last week, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and the National Park Foundation, in partnership with the Gill Foundation, announced a new LGBT theme study — standing outside the Stonewall Inn in New York City. The study will help identify places and events associated with the story of LGBT Americans for inclusion in the parks…

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