Harvard study finds substance abuse and mental health problems in MSM interfere with HIV medication adherence

New Rochelle, NY—Men who have sex with men (MSM) account for more than 60% of HIV infections in the U.S. and 78% of new infections in men. Antiretroviral therapy can control HIV infection and suppress viral load, but mental health and substance abuse problems common among MSM can interfere with medication adherence. How conditions such…

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Attorney General Eric Holder slams Boy Scouts’ ban on gay Scout leaders

WASHINGTON – Tuesday, Attorney General Eric Holder  harshly condemned a Boy Scouts of America (BSA) policy that prohibits gays and lesbians from serving as Scout Leaders.  While the group’s National Council recently voted to end a longstanding ban on gay youth in Scouting, it left in place a policy that bars gay and lesbian adults,…

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Anti-LGBT vitriol comes to Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON – Tuesday, at a hearing of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, Liberty University Dean and Professor of Law Mathew Staver submitted prepared testimony which included a profoundly inaccurate anti-LGBT rant. The hearing had been convened at the behest of the subcommittee’s chairman, Rep. Trent Franks, on the subject of…

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Guerrilla Pride comes to San Diego June 14

Organizers announced the second annual Guerrilla Pride will take place June 14 from 2-10 p.m. The event weaves queer-themed workshops, a community meal, live music and a radical art show into a fun and educational event for Southern California’s queer community. The event will take place at the Canvass for a Cause headquarters at 2139 First Ave. in…

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Chrysler Group celebrates its products, people and culture at Motor City Pride

AUBURN HILLS, Mich. — Chrysler Group LLC celebrated its longstanding support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees, communities and issues by sponsoring the annual Motor City Pride festival. Motor City Pride is a volunteer-driven event celebrating the lives of Michigan’s LGBT citizens, and is the largest LGBT gathering in Michigan. The event was held this year…

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Thailand gets new online tool to access HIV/AIDS information

BANGKOK — A new online data tool for policy makers and program managers involved in  AIDS response will now provide easy and real time access to strategic information on HIV in Thailand, reports GayAsiaNews.com. The Disease Control Department of the Ministry of Public Health, on behalf of the Thailand’s National Aids Committee, in partnership with…

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Mexico’s LGBT market earned USD$74.4 billion in income over the last year

New market research data to be released this week at the 4th International LGBT Business Expo in Mexico will show that Mexico’s 5.2 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people earned USD$74.4billion during the past year. The findings are part of LGBT2020 – the largest global research initiative into LGBT people – and are…

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UC President Janet Napolitano to appoint advisory group on LGBT issues

In a story that largely went unnoticed last week, Janet Napolitano, the current president of the University of California university system, announced Tuesday that she will appoint a President’s Advisory Group on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues to advise her on how best to create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for LGBT students, faculty and…

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Missouri police officer arrested for secretly taping men in local restroom as well as his home

A six-year veteran of the Chesterfield Police Department in Missouri, David Cerna, 33, has been detained and arrested after it was discovered that he had secretly been taping men and boys using a Mobil gas station bathroom then posting them to an adult Website he operated. During the course of the investigation, it was also…

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