NOM’s ‘March for Marriage:’ There is no case for discrimination – SPSSI

With marriage equality sweeping the nation—twelve states have legalized same-sex marriage in the past year alone—today’s March for Marriage on the National Mall seems very much a rearguard action. Sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage, the march attempts to salvage the case against gay marriage by arguing that it causes actual harm to real…

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Toronto’s 10-day extravaganza that is WorldPride

In preparation for WorldPride, June 20-29, Toronto has literally laid out a welcome mat in the form of rainbow-painted crosswalks for the hundreds of thousands expected to attend the celebration. WorldPride Toronto is an event that “incorporates activism, education and the history and culture of global LGBTTIQQ2SA* communities.” According to Andrew Weir, vice president of…

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Luxembourg passes marriage equality legislation

The government of Luxembourg has passed legislation that will make it the 19th nation to grant full marriage rights to all of its citizens. Luxembourg’s national parliament, the Chamber of Deputies, approved the bill by a vote of 56 to 4.  In addition to granting full marriage rights to Luxembourg’s LGBT citizens–previously only civil unions…

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dvd of the week In Prisoners, the Quebecois auteur Denis Villeneuve directed Jake Gyllenhaal to one of his best performances, as a cold and determined cop searching for two kidnapped girls. Enemy, based on Nobel Prize winner José Saramago’s book The Double, is as austere and difficult as Prisoners was pulpy and obvious. Gyllenhaal plays…

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True Blood

dvr this HBO, Sunday, June 22, 10 p.m. The TV show with the highest ratio of trash to production values, True Blood is returning for its seventh and final season. At this point, the hyper sexual and hyper violent vampire soap opera set in rural Louisiana is no longer HBO’s zeitgeist show – that’s a…

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