Winning while losing

I felt sorry for Councilwoman Sherri Lightner yesterday. What she thought was going to be a triumphant rise to become the first woman City Council president turned into an outpouring of support for Todd Gloria. So much so that Ms. Lightner was visibly shaken and refused to speak to the press. She appeared to tear up as she quickly exited the Council chambers.

Lightner’s demeanor, once elected, was in direct contrast to her performance during the meeting where she joked and smiled with Lorie Zapf. You know Zapf, the councilwoman who once said that gay people were not fit for public office. The old girl’s network was on full display; culminated by Marti Emerald making a speech on behalf of Lightner.

What I find interesting is Councilwomen Myrtle Cole and Marti Emerald must believe that Lightner is eminently more qualified than them. After all, either one could have sold out to the Republicans and could have become City Council president. Why didn’t they? Couldn’t get enough Republicans to support a bid for president? More likely, each hoped to stay out of the fray in case they decide to run for higher office in the future.

The display by City Council was petty politics at its worst. And yes, there are plenty of people to blame. First and foremost, Councilwoman Sherri Lightner. She manipulated the system in her favor without the support of one Democrat. On the first ballot, Ms. Lightner forced a second ballot by voting with four Republicans to ensure that Gloria was not elected. Ms. Lightner, good luck running for anything else as a Democrat. As she stabbed the knife in Gloria’s back, the only thing missing in this San Diego tragedy was Gloria looking in Lightner’s eyes and uttering the words “Et tu, Brute?”

Councilman Scott Sherman rhetorically asked if voting for Sherri Lightner was not the same show of bipartisanship that he showed when he voted for Gloria. He was visibly taken aback by the crowd’s utterance of “No.” Sherman also illustrated a lack of knowledge of his role. He compared City Council to a non-profit or small business board. Mr. Sherman suggested that the Council gets to pick their leadership and it was not the purview of the public, that the role should be passed around and that he hoped to be Council president one day.

What Mr. Sherman seemed to forget is that he serves at the pleasure, or in this case, the displeasure of the people. Shame on Sherman. A basic civics class is in order. Mr. Sherman, there are good ones offered at a myriad of institutions around the city.

Then there is newly minted City Councilman Chris Cate. Due to Gloria’s leadership, Cate was able to cast a vote. He did so along party lines in support of turncoat Lightner. Bravo, Cate, bravo. Off to a fantastic start.

Finally, there is Marti Emerald. After Gloria was not elected, she gave her fellow Democrats cover by saying the Council needed to come together to support Lightner. That’s how the 7 to 2 vote came about. Most in the media are not reporting the initial vote. The first vote was 5 to 4 against Gloria. Thank you Ms. Emerald, we will not forget.

Those within the LGBT community who supported Kevin Faulconer need to also be blamed for this coup against Gloria. Faulconer wanted to weaken Gloria because he feared that Gloria might be a competitor for mayor in 2016. Step forward Log Cabin Republicans, Susan Jester and Nicole Murray Ramirez, take a bow. Linda Perine and the Democratic Woman’s (sic) Club come on up, the LGBT Gloria supporters have a special gift for you.

I do want to thank Councilman David Alvarez for voting his convictions. In spite of rumors to the contrary, Alvarez and Gloria seem to have a good working relationship. He stood with Gloria till the end. He and Gloria were the two who voted against Lightner. Alvarez, the LGBT community will not forget your leadership.

Sherri Lightner endured almost two hours of citizens who mobilized to support Gloria. More than 30 of the over 200 people assembled spoke to Gloria’s leadership, accessibility to San Diegans and overall dedication to making this truly America’s Finest City.

Once the meeting adjourned, those assembled rushed to show their support of Gloria. He graciously shook hands with citizens, gave press interviews and talked about the future of San Diego. Sherri Lightner watched briefly from the Council dais, teared up and quickly exited. I felt sorry for her, but she brought it on herself.

Watch the news coverage with the sound off. It looks like Todd Gloria won. He did. Ms. Lightner you are about to learn an important political lesson about losing by winning. I am sure your tears were not tears of joy.




San Diego LGBT Weekly

4 thoughts on “Winning while losing

  1. I was born and raised in San Diego and it will always be home to me. That said, it is always embarrassing when San Diego politics make the national spotlight. Bob Filner the philanderer, Carl Demaio the depraved, Duncan Hunter the deceiver.

    Clearly Todd was too fiscally responsible, cared too much about San Diego to play political games, and wasn’t morally bankrupt, so he had to go. SHAME on the SD City Council for rewarding hard work and success this way.

  2. I am disgusted beyond belief. I have known Todd Gloria for a very long time and worked with him on numerous projects. He is one of the most upstanding members of the San Diego community. To be treated in this manner by colleagues is shameful. Shame on them all for such a shabby and underhanded behavior.

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