Rep. Peters earns endorsement from National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare

SAN DIEGO – The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare has “enthusiastically” endorsed Rep. Scott Peters for re-election.

“Our nation needs your continued leadership, vision and determination to fight for working families and older Americans,” the organization wrote in an Oct. 24 letter to Peters.

The letter added, “You earned the endorsement of the National Committee because you understand and support the critical roles that Social Security and Medicare play in the retirement and health security of our nation’s older citizens and their families.”

While Peters has spent his first term in Congress fighting to prevent cuts to Medicare and Social Security, DeMaio has voiced support for a Republican budget that includes turning Medicare into a voucher program.

DeMaio’s campaign is heavily backed by the Koch Brothers, whose plan to privatize Social Security would put millions of seniors at risk.

“Today’s endorsement ends any debate about who is the better choice on Medicare and Social Security – the answer, indisputably, is Scott Peters,” said Alex Roth, communications director for the Peters campaign. “We want to thank the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare for giving such a powerful, resounding endorsement of Scott Peters.”

One thought on “Rep. Peters earns endorsement from National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare

  1. I know Peters has a PROVEN track record of protecting Women’s issues, Medicare and Social Security and College student’s access to funding when needed. Plus he works well across the aisle.

    Makes no sense to give up that for things like Demaio’s Medicare voucher !!

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