Recently, I had lunch at Harvey Milk’s American Diner with Marine veteran and former State Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher. Let me tell you that he was in the best of spirits I have ever seen him in. Happy with life as an executive at Qualcomm, especially with his family and two growing little boys and very excited and determined with the mission and goals of his newly established Three Wise Men Foundation.
Many San Diegans still believe in Nathan Fletcher and have supported him in the past and hope to in the future (I have in this column called him the Gavin Newsom of the south). So of course, I asked him and drilled him about a possible return to politics in the distant future, and let me say that it’s not in his mind, nor in his heart. Nathan Fletcher is totally focused on helping his fellow veterans across this great country of ours. He is totally at peace with himself and his narrow election losses and has moved on with life and, like I said, very happy (and by the way he most certainly is hitting the gym more than ever because he is totally buffed).
Nathan will continue to support the Democratic Party and many of its candidates but re-entering politics is not where he is at and although he is constantly urged by many to reconsider – and some day may run for public office again – right now the answer is no!
While Nathan liked being a public servant and making a difference he knows he can do the same outside of elected office.
For many of us, we will never forget when he stood on the floor of the State Assembly – the only one from his political party – to speak strongly and passionately for the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Nathan has many friends and loyal supporters in the GLBT community and he continues his support for the full civil rights and equality of all Americans. (Yes, that was Nathan quietly walking in this year’s 40th anniversary Pride parade.)
Did you know that between 22 and 50 veterans commit suicide every day? Well, Nathan Fletcher wants all of us to put helping our veterans as one of our top priorities. Since his announcement of his Three Wise Men Foundation earlier this month, over 20 states have signed on. All proceeds of his Foundation will go toward helping veterans get access to the services they need.
The official kickoff of the Three Wise Men Foundation is coming up Oct. 18 on the USS Midway in downtown San Diego and the outpouring of support has touched Nathan and made him more committed than ever to this important cause.
America needs to show our veterans how much we appreciate their services and courage … because we have failed to do so in so many ways.
The Three Wise Men Foundation is named in honor of Nathan’s three cousins, two of whom were killed in Afghanistan and the third who is still an active Marine.
I urge all of you to support the Oct. 18 event … buy a ticket, table or become a sponsor. Donate what you can and let our veterans know you care and are so very proud of them and their service to our great nation.
And yes, while I am one of many that would like to see Nathan Fletcher back in public office, this proud Marine’s leadership, knowledge and passion for helping his fellow military veterans is needed more where he is.
So, I hope you will join me and so many other San Diegans on the USS Midway Saturday, Oct. 18 because with this cause together we will truly make a difference in the lives of veterans.
Thank you, Nathan Fletcher.
For more information visit http://threewisementribute.org/
Just Curious—What does Fletcher do as an employee at QUALCOMM for his high six- figure salary ? He has no science or electrical engineering education or experience.
Is he a Lobbyist, or a candidate-in-waiting sucking at Jacobs’ ample breast ? What is his title now ? And duties ?
And full disclosure Nicole—who paid for the lunch ?
Thank you, Nathan, for supporting Democratic candidates. A few Log Cabin members could learn a thing or two from you.
Nathan should ask his wife why their buddy George W. Bush was so happy to march our soldiers off to war but totally unwilling to support them as veterans after they returned.
Thank you for sharing this great write-up. Very interesting ideas! (as always, btw)