Anti-gay pundits recycle doomsday DADT rhetoric to defend military’s transgender service ban

The third anniversary of the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT) found the U.S. military intact and stronger than ever. Media Matters For America reports that despite the utter failure of their previous doomsday predictions to materialize, the same voices of opposition to DADT are now making similar prophecies about potential moves to lift the military’s discriminatory ban on transgender people.

Challenges remain for lesbian, gay, and bisexual service members. Three years removed from the repeal of DADT, they still face harassment, discrimination and difficulties obtaining veterans’ benefits. One obstacle to equality looms particularly heavy post-DADT: the prohibition on transgender service.

The Pentagon currently prohibits transgender people from serving in the armed forces, a ban that forces over 15,000 men and women currently serving to lie about their identities and deters countless others from enlisting. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has indicated the military may review this policy, which, according to the Palm Center, a research institute focused on sexuality and the military, is without sound medical reasoning and could be lifted without harming readiness.

Unsurprisingly, conservative pundits have railed against proposals to lift the transgender ban.

Tony Perkins, president of the anti-gay hate group Family Research Center (FRC) and one of Fox News’ favorite social commentators, wrote in a March FRC newsletter that lifting the ban on transgender service members would be a “fatal blow to unit cohesion and readiness” that “could compromise our troops’ safety.” Perkins tied the issue to military sexual assault rates.

Elaine Donnelly, the president of the anti-gay Center for Military Readiness (who once said that human rights abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were a result of allowing women in the military) echoed Perkins, callingthe idea of transgender military service an experiment that puts “an extra burden on men and women in the military that they certainly don’t need or they don’t deserve” and suggesting it would lead to an increase in sexual assaults.

Conservative commentator Erick Erickson ranted against the mere disclosure of the estimate that 15,000 transgender people are currently serving, and said that President Obama has “turned our military into some sort of weird social experiment.” Meanwhile, right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh mocks the idea that transgender people should be allowed in the military with repeated uses of the term “tranny” and his token phrase “add-a-dick-to-me babe.”

If the rhetoric sounds familiar, it should. Conservative media used the same attacks in their attempts to preserve DADT or replace it with a discriminatory policy even more extreme.

Three years ago, Perkins argued that repealing DADT would increase military sexual assault rates, undermine morale, and damage recruitment. Donnelly warned that after repealing DADT, “lesbians would take pictures of people in the shower” and gay service members might spread HIV through the ranks.

Erickson predicted the military bureaucracy would “go to war with Obama on the battlefield of public opinion” after DADT, while Limbaugh called the repeal “special treatment” for the gay community and intimated that it would lead to problems with “predation” and sexual harassment:

LIMBAUGH: Now, here’s a question. It’s an open-ended question. Will straight soldiers, heterosexuals, be able to claim sexual harassment by gays in the military? Or will such claims now be considered hate crimes? How is this gonna play out? Well, you know, because in our culture there are certain templates. It’s like women never lie about rape, yet we got this ABC weather babe, you know, women never lie. Children never lie, yet we know that they do. This notion that there is predation in the homosexual community, oh, that never happens. Well, yeah, just like it never happens in the heterosexual. Of course it does. There are predators everywhere out there. Hate crimes are, if you’re thinking about it, well, it’s even worse than the crime that you commit. So anyway, it’s a lot of stuff to shake out, so to speak.

These fears, predictably, proved unfounded. According to a Palm Center report published a year after the repeal of DADT:

Based on the substantial evidence we gathered in our research, we conclude that, during the one-year period following implementation of the policy change, DADT repeal has had no negative impact on overall military readiness or its component parts: unit cohesion, recruitment, retention, assaults, harassment or morale. While repeal produced a few downsides for some military members–mostly those who personally opposed the policy change–we identified important upsides as well, and in no case did negative consequences outweigh advantages. On balance, DADT repeal appears to have slightly enhanced the military’s ability to do its job by clearing away unnecessary obstacles to the development of trust and bonding.

Such hateful attacks on transgender service members should disqualify these discredited pundits from commenting on the issue, but with the debate over lifting the transgender service ban heating up, it remains to be seen if media will finally stop offering them opportunities to comment.

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