As I always say, “A community that does not know where it came from really does not know where it’s going.” With all due respect to the organizers of AIDS Walk San Diego, this is not the 25th anniversary of this important event.
In 1985, out lesbian and community activist Susan Jester founded and produced our first AIDS Walk. It was called San Diego Walk for Life because people and businesses informed her that they could not support an event with the word “AIDS” in the title.
I remember those early dark years of AIDS, as the founder and president of the AIDS Assistance Fund people did not even want to write AIDS on their checks … so put “A.A.F.” instead.
In those early dark years people thought you could get AIDS in the air or by touching someone. And if you had AIDS the chance of you dying within a year or two was about 90 percent.
It was during this frightening and hostile environment that Susan Jester registered the name and with many volunteers ran the first AIDS Walk out of her garage. Susan got a lot of help and guidance from the Los Angeles AIDS Walk people.
About 1,500 people showed up and we thought maybe 400 would. Then County Supervisor and future Mayor Susan Golding got us the use of the County building parking lot and spoke at the rally before the march. (I also had the honor to be one of the speakers.)
Over $30,000 was raised and we were all shocked that it raised so much. Among our first AIDS Walk biggest financial supporters were Chris Shaw and the then W.C.P.C, the Imperial Court, Lou and Carol Arko and their bars, the Leather Community, Rick Ford, F Street Bookstores, Vulcan and Club San Diego, Frank Stirriti, Darl Edwards and others.
I remember when I walked the route some people would yell out of their cars, “Faggots, queers … hope you die.”

Susan ran it for two years then Gary Reese did, followed by Albert Bell (both who later died of AIDS).The then closeted star of the then super popular TV show Dynasty was the celebrity host and speaker … Gordon Thomson.
Most of the marchers were GLBT San Diegans or friends and family who had lost someone from AIDS.
A recent article in a local GLBT publication stated, “Let us honor 25 years of our community’s love, support and generosity…” Well excuse me, what about those four years of our early AIDS Walk?
Among the activities marking this year’s event will be a candle light vigil entitled “Reasons We Remember.” I most humbly ask our AIDS Walk organizers to truly remember and recognize Susan Jester, Albert Bell, Gary Reese and our first years we were San Diegans “Walking for Life.”
Thank you.
Hispanic Heritage, LGBT National Museum and Washington, D.C.
As a history and political nut, I just love visiting our nation’s capital and have always gone there for national board meetings of different organizations I have served on, special events and dinners and, of course, helping organize all five of our “GLBT Marches on Washington.” (The first was in 1979.)
I just got back after almost six days in Washington, D.C., where I spoke at the annual Hispanic Heritage Awards Reception and honored the founder of the Latino GLBT History Project, longtime activist Jose Gutierrez. At another event I presented Tim Gold, co-founder and executive director of the National LGBT Museum, with some artifacts of gay pioneer Jose Julio Sarria and I was especially happy to announce that the International Jose Julio Sarria Student Scholarship, which I established only a year ago, had now raised $51,000.

I had the usual meetings with GLBT leaders and politicians in Washington, but this time I did get to sample Washington’s nightlife with my favorite being the nightclub Secrets!
By the way, San Diego’s award winning DJ, Nikno was in town spinning at super night club Town.
One of my highlights was presenting an award to the Rev. Darlene Nipper, national deputy director N.G.L.T.F. and, yes, I took the freezing ice bucket challenge and raised $1,000. Not my favorite happening in D.C.!
The next months are pretty busy for me traveling-wise: Ohio, Canada, Washington, Texas, Colorado, Oregon and Massachusetts. I feel like I’m a presidential candidate during primary season!
Is there anything the tired old queen won’t make about herself?
Disgusting self promotion.