As a progressive, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to God. This article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace!
If I were to summarize the calling of Moses – I could condense it down to three phrases. “What?” “Who me?” “You’ve got to be kidding!”
One of the reasons I like this story of Moses is that many of us can relate to him. Moses was called by God, gifted for the task God was calling him to do, and then, reluctant to serve.
Did you know that tennis is mentioned in the Bible? Moses served in Pharaoh’s court! Groan!
Moses, raised in the epitome of an opulent lifestyle, had to run for his life and after his running, he ended up in the desert as a shepherd. One day, while he was out doing what he did every day, something happened that changed his life and millions of others’ lives too. I like how it says in our reading today, “he led his flock beyond the wilderness and came to the mountain of God.”
It struck me, that when it feels we are in the wilderness – in the desert – and it feels like we’re just wandering and we ask ourselves, “When is it going to get better” that it’s important not to give up! Don’t give up! Go beyond the wilderness, and you might come to a place of surprising answers to your prayers; a place where you meet God in a life-changing way.
It was on Mount Horeb where God appears to Moses using what is called a theophany. The word, “theophany” means “a visible manifestation of the invisible God.” God wasn’t on fire; God was in the fire and was using the fire.
So, here is Moses, he’s just walking along, tending his father-in-law’s flock, and he sees this bush; and the bush is burning. The amazing thing to Moses about this “burning bush,” is that the bush doesn’t burn up! More than likely, Moses had seen bushes burning before; maybe lightning had struck an old, dry bush, setting it on fire. But, this bush kept on burning; it never burned up! God appeared to Moses through the burning bush.
Sometimes people want to say, “Well, God must not be calling me, because I never saw a burning bush. It doesn’t take a burning bush for God to get our attention. God used a burning bush with Moses; however, God may use something completely different for you.
If Moses had turned away from the burning bush and said, “Forget it! I’m not going to investigate it,” he would have died in obscurity – just another shepherd tending his flock. Because Moses was willing to go and at least listen to what God had to say, he became one of the great Heroes of Faith!
Some of you may be at a crossroad in your life – on the verge of something great! You know that God is doing something in your life to get your attention, you feel like you’re in the wilderness, but there are so many things pulling at you – your job, your friend, your family, “your” plans for your future. At a crossroad in life it boils down to a decision. What are you going to choose?
Hindsight is 20/20 isn’t it? We can never see the future clearly, but we sure can examine the past and see where we’ve made good decisions along the way and some not so good ones! I believe God has your best interest at heart.
Now let me make something clear here, I’m not saying other people’s “interpretation” of God’s way for you is what you need to listen to; it’s not that easy. You have to listen, and seek, and discern, and decide for yourself what God’s way is for you. No one else can tell you. It’s about not giving up in the wilderness; it’s going beyond the wilderness and then approaching the burning bush and saying “Here I am.”
So Moses goes over to the burning bush and God speaks, “… take off your sandals … for you are standing on holy ground.” Now, there was no sign that read “Holy Ground this way” on the mountain where Moses was at. It wasn’t about the geography; it was about the presence of God.
God is with you wherever you go; God is in others you see. Think about how our world would be if we treated it as holy, and if we treated others as holy.
Moses listened, and God said, “Moses, I have a job for you!” Listen to what God says to Moses, “I have observed the misery of my people … I have heard their cry … I know their sufferings, and I have come to deliver them and to bring them out of that land of hurt and pain, and, to a land flowing with milk and honey.”
How many times do we find ourselves in a situation that seems hopeless and we feel trapped, thinking we are all alone and that no one sees our pain? This story reminds me that God is aware of our suffering. Not only is God aware, God cares
God says, in effect, “I know your pain! I care! I’m going to take care of you and I’m going to call someone and gift someone to bring my love and encouragement to you.” And when someone says yes to God’s call, they come to you and it makes all the difference in the world.
What is God calling you to do? Who is God calling you to show love and compassion to? How has God uniquely gifted you for the calling you’re feeling? How many lives will be touched and positively changed by your saying yes to God?
Have you ever heard the saying, “Where God guides, God provides?” God has given each of you unique and wonderful gifts and talents. You have a unique story and life-experience that make you who you are. And you have a way, through your unique gift-mix, to touch someone like no one else can.
God calls us, and God gifts us and then God challenges us! Are you up for the challenge or are you reluctant?
Moses had quite a bit of reluctance on his part; he came up with excuse after excuse and God showed him he could do it. And Moses led the people out of bondage into freedom! Out of despair into hope! Moses accepted the challenge of God’s call and God never let him down.
What bush has God set on fire to get your attention? What is God calling you to today? Listen for that call if you haven’t already heard it and then act on it.
Like Moses, you can make a difference in lives.