The new downtown central library will be the site of the 39th Annual Nicky Awards, “The gay academy awards San Diego”. The GLBT community awards show will be held this Sunday Aug. 24 at 6 p.m.
The Nicky Awards named after long time gay Latino activist City Commissioner Nicole Murray Ramirez, honor outstanding achievements within the GLBT community and are the oldest such awards on the West Coast.
The Nicky Awards Board of Governors recently announced the 2014 recipients of its highest honors:
The annual Mayor George Moscone Humanitarian Award will be awarded to Bishop James Mathes and The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego.
The annual Harvey Milk Civil Rights Award (founded in 1979) will be presented to the organizers of the first annual Trans Pride March of San Diego.
A Lifetime Achievement Award in the Arts Award will be presented to internationally acclaimed entertainer/artist Chad Michaels.
And the 2014 Michael Portantino Media Award will be presented to Leonard Simpson of Fashion Forward.
Six-year-old transgender boy Ryland Whittington will be receiving a $1,000 Harvey Milk/Nicole Murray Ramirez Scholarship. The Whittington family video on their transgender young son’s journey has received almost 10 million hits onYouTube.
“While the prestigious Mayor Moscone Honor has in the past gone to elected officials and civil rights leaders, we are proud that for the first time it will be presented to a Christian Church,” stated Allan Spyere, president of the Nicky’s board of governors.
California State Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, City Council President Todd Gloria and School Board President Kevin Beiser will be on hand to be a part of the award’s presentation.
Since the 1970s, the Nicky Awards have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for countless charities non-profits and civil rights causes.
The Nicky Awards honor outstanding achievements in such categories as: social services, media, the arts, business, bars, organizations, HIV-AIDS, civil rights, activism, etc.
The winners receive an “Oscar” like trophy. A fun line up of entertainment includes comedian Shawn Pelofsky seen on Chelsea Lately, Lori Moore of The X-Factor and Keith London of American Idol Season 13.
Tickets are now being sold at www.nickyawards.org: $85 VIP and $65 General Admission. Early purchase is strongly recommended as the Nicky Awards are always sold out.
The 2014 Nicky Awards timeline is:
Nicky Awards- Aug. 24 at the New San Diego Central Library
VIP reception: 5:30 p.m.
Red Carpet: 6 p.m.
Awards Ceremony: 7 p.m.
For more information:
Nicole- 619-692-1967
Allan- 619-300-1232