Almost everyone I’ve talked to, including many fellow Democrats, agree that David Alvarez did not take his defeat by Mayor Kevin Faulconer very well. You would think that after a few months he would have gotten over it and moved on, but he hasn’t. His relationship with Council President Todd Gloria is colder than the movie Frozen, even though Gloria supported him 100 percent and even raised money for him – but Alvarez wanted more. But the truth is that even if Gloria would have promised him his first born Alvarez would still be as bitter as he is today because he sees Todd Gloria as a threat to Alvarez’s dream of being the next mayor of San Diego. Almost every Democratic leader has told me that I was right when I wrote that Gloria, Atkins, Fletcher would have been much better candidates … they just wouldn’t say it publicly.
The first Latino/a mayor of San Diego will be someone like Juan Vargas or Lorena Gonzalez not Alvarez, who ran such a lousy campaign that even Latinos didn’t show up at the polls as predicted.
Alvarez is so bitter (does this stiff guy ever even smile?) that any opportunity he gets to dump on Mayor Faulconer he does. Recently Alvarez blasted the mayor on his Facebook because he didn’t re-appoint a member of our community to a commission. Well David, he didn’t even know that this person was a member of our community ‘til I told him. Every new mayor of San Diego reshapes boards and commissions. I strongly supported the re-appointment of this well-qualified individual (who I have supported and believe will be a future judge) but it’s the mayor’s final decision. But Alvarez on his Facebook tried to “gay bait” the situation and shame on him.

Did you know, David, that the mayor has made seven GLBT appointments to boards and commissions since his election? Of more than 50 San Diegans appointed a majority have been Democrats? That within two weeks after his election he accepted the national co-chairmanship of Mayors for Marriage Equality? That the first Mayoral Advisory Board he set up was the GLBT one with its membership 95 percent Democrats? That he is the first mayor ever to take a shift as a waiter for Dining Out for Life, the annual AIDS benefit? That our mayor made history when, for the first time, he raised a Rainbow flag in downtown San Diego? That he has attended more GLBT events in his first 100 days as mayor than any other?
So, stop trying to use the “Gay Card” because it falls completely flat and is false. And as for the vice president of Democrats for Equality who attacked Francis Barraza of the mayor’s staff as a radical right wing Republican. You are dead wrong. I have worked with this fine lady with these recent majority Democratic appointments and she is also a proven champion of the empowerment of women and communities of color.
The loud cheers Mayor Faulconer and his wife Katherine got along the entire Pride parade route is because we, the GLBT community, know that our mayor supports all of San Diego’s diverse communities. He believes in “One San Diego” … you need to chill out David Alvarez!
Dear Scott Peters and Susan Atkins
Instead of issuing a press release about the success of Pride’s 40th anniversary and the over 300,000 people participating in it, Congressman Scott Peters again took the negative route and issued a press release attacking his openly gay opponent, Carl DeMaio, who attended the Pride rally (Peters did not) and the Pride festival as he couldn’t attend the parade because of a year-long previous engagement.
The facts are that both Peters and DeMaio are strong supporters of GLBT equality issues, but Scott Peters believes if you say a lie enough people will believe you. My message to Mr. Peters is stop lying about Carl DeMaio.

But what was most disappointing for many of us in the GLBT community were the statements made in Peters’ press release by Susan Atkins, a woman I respect and admire. Susan stated that Carl “hasn’t been a friend of the GLBT community.” Well, first of all, Carl DeMaio is a member of our community and has been in a committed gay relationship for over five years. The facts are, Susan, that Carl DeMaio’s voting record on the City Council was 100 percent when it came to GLBT issues and he has helped raise money for our LGBT Community Center, Stepping Stone, Hillcrest Pride Monument, etc., etc. And then you call Carl a “Tea Party extremist.” That, as you know Susan, is a bold-face lie.
If you did your homework you would have known that two Tea Party extremists and religious right Republican candidates ran against Carl DeMaio and that he and his partner were viciously attacked during the campaign because they are “homosexuals”.
Scott Peters and Susan Atkins, there are probably many issues you both can disagree and debate Carl DeMaio on, but not when it comes to his stands with his GLBT community… period.
I wonder how long this conversation with Nicole will stay published? The one where Nicole bashed SD Pride about paying Laverne Cox $10,000 went missing and there was no comment as to why?
While most of this article is stupid, yes stupid, there is some truth to the idea that Latinos did not flock to the polls to vote for David. Deservedly or not, he made enemies in the community on a number of levels, and that played out in the result of the election. I don’t know how big a supporter of the LGBT community David is in reality, since he is a very devout Catholic, and know nothing about Kev in that regard, but will leave that conclusion to those who would know most. I don’t think it’s true that Gloria, Atkins, or Fletcher would have been a better candidate, David was a very strong candidate, he worked hard, debated well, and connected to his audiences; let’s not forget all the endorsements he won. I felt certain that if the real Mayor were deposed, a Republican would be elected to the seat, and that’s exactly what happened. David was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. As to whether he’s bitter, you asked all the people who would naturally say he was, so I repeat, this article is stupid.
It’s quite possible to be a member of a group without being a friend of that same group.
Nicold, Will you continue to support Mayor Faulconer if he vetoes minimum wage? Probably, because it does not impact you since you don’t pay taxes, live on benefits and the largesse of others.
Scott Peters is supportive of the LGBT community in San Diego not just when it is convenient or politically advantageous. Nicole, your views seem to flip flop with the toss of a Republican coin!
This column serves only two purposes; Nicole’s revenge against anyone with whom he is displeased without regard to the truth and boosting Nicole’s ego by continually expressing his own self-importance. It’s a shame that LGBT Weekly continues to publish this embarassment disguised as a column.
David Alvarez has served and continues to serve his dictrict with the upmost integrity and dedication. This column is completely unfair to the Councilman but unfortunately, it’s not at all surprising. This is what Nicole does. He should be very ashamed and embarrassed to behave this horribly at his age.
Talk is cheap – where is any proof Carl has ever “helped raise money” for anyone but Carl? Paying for tickets for benefit events – if he does pay – is called participating – its not sponsoring, not hosting. When has DeMaio ever been a leader for an LGBT cause or charity? And the biggest laugh is that he “helped raise money” for the Hillcrest Pride Monument. Maybe DeMaio’s gave some money to get his name on it for the publicity – but where’s the receipts to prove his partner Hale didn’t give it for free?