Be proud of your spiritual self


As a progressive, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to God – this article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace!

What a wonderful Pride weekend we had! We had much to celebrate! We are living in an incredible time. And even as we continue to celebrate, we need to remain focused to the cause of justice and healing.

As a colleague MCC minister in Ft. Lauderdale, Rev. Durrell Watkins, wrote, “We can never be satisfied with just getting ‘ours’ … we know what it is like to be targeted, dehumanized, demonized and vilified by those who use the power of religion, government and finances to keep us in the margins, and so conscience and character will simply not allow us to remain silent when others have economics, religion or politics used against them to keep them marginalized. Integrity demands that we care for all who have been denied full equality by systems trying to protect privilege for a few. We have had to fight for our gains, and we must be allies to those who must fight for theirs.”

He goes on to say, “To quote a 19th century Jewish poet, Emma Lazarus, a woman who could not vote in her own country and who would have suffered anti-Semitism because of her heritage: ‘Until we are all free, we are none of us free.’”

Let’s celebrate and let’s stay focused at the same time! Get involved; give your time, talents and money to organizations that make a difference in people – one life at a time.

Let’s integrate our sexuality and our spirituality.

Whatever your spiritual path know you are loved. There is support for you. I encourage you to be proud of your spiritual self as well as every other part of your fabulous self! Pride festivities, no matter how exciting, come to an end … but you, in all of your fabulousness, remain, grow and go forward. Now, that’s a celebration!

Rev. Dan Koeshall is the senior pastor at The Metropolitan Community Church (The Met), 2633 Denver Street, San Diego, California, Services every Sunday at 9 and 11 a.m.

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