As a progressive, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to God – this article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace!
One year ago, history was made when, on the same day, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down California’s Prop. 8 and a major portion of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
Do you remember where you were? I was sitting in the living room at my brother’s house in Milwaukee, Wis. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I was reading Facebook messages and texts and then heard with my own ears the good news! I had to join my sisters and brothers in celebration, so I searched for “the meeting spot” and was there with the TV cameras and happy cheers!
I know the celebration was fantastic here in San Diego – and my heart was definitely here with you all. Here we are, one year later, still celebrating!
The effects were immediate and profound and are still being felt today. The number of marriage equality states continues to grow (Go Utah! Go Indiana!), same-sex couples enjoy added rights and court case after court case comes down on the side of justice and equal protection.
For me, the joy has been very personal as I perform many weddings! In my pronouncement I like to say something to the effect of, “By the power vested in me by Metropolitan Community Churches, the power of your love, the state of California and the federal government of the United States of America, I pronounce you married!” There are always cheers and applause and high energy – usually accompanied by tears. By this time, the couple can barely wait to kiss!
I’d like to share a Litany that was a part of our church services to celebrate this historic anniversary:
For the recognition of same-sex married couples by the federal government and all its associated benefits, plus the growing list of 19 states and D.C. with marriage equality …
We give praise for a God of justice, equality and inclusion.
For the joyful return of marriage equality to California and the ability of same-sex couples to say “I do” to the person they love …
We give praise for a God of justice, equality and inclusion.
Keep the faith, don’t give up! Happy anniversary and congratulations to the many couples who’ve gotten married and those who are just waiting for that ring!