dvd of the week
The complete third season of AMC’s low-rated but brilliant murder mystery was an under-watched marvel. The first season of the show, following two damaged detectives investigating the murder of a teenage girl in rainy and moody Seattle, was a huge success, but after the show failed on its promise to reveal the killer by the season finale, the second season tanked and the show was canceled. But it came back from the dead with a third season, focusing on Detectives Linden (Mireille Enos) and Holder (Joel Kinnaman) investigating a serial killer who preys on homeless kids. Enos and Kinnaman do some of the best acting on television, and their costars include an amazingly evil Peter Saarsgaard as a possibly innocent murderer on death row and the equally brilliant (and hot) Bex Taylor-Klaus as a lesbian teen. The season was fascinating, thrilling and heart-breaking.