WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), has sent a letter to Rev. Ronnie Floyd, the newly elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), following the passage of anti-LGBT resolutions at the group’s annual meeting this week. In the letter, HRC President Chad Griffin writes:
“I can tell you from personal experiences how excruciating it is when the community that forms you and loves you is also the one that rejects you when you come out as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. As I travel across the country I hear over and over again tragic stories of young people who have felt they could no longer have a spiritual home or one where they could be fully out without fear of rejection and brutality.”
The letter requests a meeting between Griffin and Rev. Floyd to discuss the issue further so that a new era of open communication and acceptance can be ushered in as Rev. Floyd’s presidency begins.
The letter is available online here.