This past Tuesday’s election turned out to be a major victory for mostly moderate Republicans and Democrats. Our very own Bonnie Dumanis easily won re-election for district attorney after a mostly negative, mean-spirited campaign waged by her opponent Bob Brewer, who tried to buy the election with a lot of his own money. Many of us are so happy that she will not have to be subjected anymore to Brewer’s nasty and vicious campaign attacks that voters are getting really sick of.
But look for a really negative campaign that will be waged by Scott Peters against Carl DeMaio as 58 percent of voters in the primary voted not to send Peters back to Congress. Tuesday night, the very wealthy Peters already started his negative campaign of lies by claiming that Carl DeMaio was an extremist Tea Party candidate when everyone knows that DeMaio has never been a member or supporter of the Tea Party. I stopped by DeMaio’s victory party at the U.S. Grant Hotel and was very impressed to see a very large crowd of supporters who were mostly young men and women. And yes, it was very good to see Carl’s partner of over five years, Johnathan Hale (president, Hillcrest Business Association) proudly by his side the whole evening and who Carl warmly acknowledged in his speech. This is not the DeMaio of his past mayoral race and I urge members of our GLBT community to get to know him and give him a chance. You don’t have to like or support Carl DeMaio but he should be respected and admired for the way he handled one of the most homophobic and vicious campaigns ever waged against a candidate who happens to be gay in the history of San Diego … period.
Until the very end of the primary campaign Councilwoman Lorie Zapf was subjected to gay baiting and outright lies by her opponents. The good news is that Lorie gave her opponent the “boot” and kicked her out of the race handily. Zapf is pro-equality when it comes to GLBT issues and I was proud to support her re-election.
Another candidate I supported for City Council, Chris Cate, came in a very strong first place and is expected to win the general election.
Though she did not win, Susan Guinn ran a good campaign and I hope she runs for public office in the future.
I was also very disappointed with the loss of the Barrio Logan propositions and that Mayor Jim Wood very narrowly lost his bid for county supervisor. I really like this guy and also hope he tries again.
While yes, I support Gov. Brown for re-election, I was glad to see pro-equality Republican Neel Kashkari beat out anti-gay Republican radical Assemblyman Donnelly.
In California and indeed in San Diego, the fight for the future of the Republican Party is being won by pro-GLBT Republican moderates and right here in our city and statewide Susan Jester, (president, Log Cabin Republicans) is becoming a major respected player and leader in changing the Republican Party.
In 2016, look for a strong and well organized campaign for Toni Atkins’ State Assembly seat by Marine Captain Jacquelyn Atkinson who is currently co-chair of the Sheriff’s GLBT Advisory Board and recently appointed to Mayor Faulconer’s Advisory Board. Yes, the “Atkinson for Assembly in 2016” is already getting the buzz not only in San Diego but in the state capitol. Both Toni Atkins and Todd Gloria are termed out in 2016 and I have had lunch and meetings with both of them about their future … but … at this time I cannot say a word … hum.
Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for more than 45 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last seven mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation. Nicolemrsandiego@aol.com
How much further up the GOP’s collective ass can Nicole get his head?
Stamp, please retire Nicole.
Disgusting! Shame on Nicole. Carl DeMaio is a corporate fascist. Jonathan Hale is a convicted felon. Lorie Zapf is a closeted homophobe. Chris Cate is an untrustworthy DeMaio protege. and Jim Wood? Seriously?
Stamp- You’ve got to do something. She’s off her rocker.