Toni Atkins, the incumbent in the race for California Assembly District 78 represents the highest concentration of LGBT residents in San Diego. An icon in the LGBT community she soundly beat Republican Ralph Denney in the 2012 general election garnering more than 60 percent of the vote. Atkins was elected speaker of the assembly and until recently was running unopposed for District 78.
Republican small business owner Barbara Decker recently threw her hat in the ring when the Republican Party thought that Atkins was running unopposed. Due to a problem with the registrar of voters political consultant Kevin Melton’s filing to run in District 78 went unpublicized. This was later rectified and now two Republicans are challenging Atkins for District 78.
Melton, a native of the Los Angeles area started his professional career in IT sales later moving on to the publishing business with stints at Senior Life and San Diego LGBT Weekly. He started his political career in 2001 and ran for Los Angeles City Council in 2003 and again in 2007. Melton moved back to San Diego in 2008 living in Point Loma and now currently downtown. He recently worked on the campaign finance committee to elect Kevin Faulconer as mayor.
San Diego LGBT Weekly caught up with Melton to unravel the muddle with the registrar of voters and to find out how he thinks he is going to unseat Toni Atkins.
San Diego LGBT Weekly: Kevin, let me start with the obvious question for our readers. The incumbent for Assembly District 78 is Speaker of the Assembly Toni Atkins. She is an LGBT icon to San Diego residents who has served on the City Council as well as the state Assembly. Assuming you get past Barbara Decker, why and how do you feel you will win out over Toni Atkins?
Kevin Melton: I like the question. I am a great supporter of the LGBT community, but the fact is when redistricting took effect Toni Lost 60 percent of her old district. She retained the LGBT community but also gained the communities of Point Loma and Coronado that are not known to be LGBT communities, in addition to Del Mar and Solana Beach. I have worked closely with the LGBT community in the past and have supported the community. The benefits I bring to the job should win out.
You have had a career in IT sales and then in media sales, first as associate publisher for Senior Life and then in sales for San Diego LGBT Weekly. Why do you want to run for state Assembly?
We have had an increase in taxes that are supposed to go toward education but the money never seems to make it. I want to find out where it is and to make sure it goes where it is supposed to. I also want to make sure that money we allocate for such areas as meals on wheels and access services to get seniors around do not get cut. And I will fight for no new taxes.
I understand you had a problem with the registrar of voters, which caused the Republican Party to endorse Barbara Decker. Can you explain what happened?
When the Republican Party said they did not see me on the list when they were sending information out to interview candidates they assumed I was not running. I asked them where they got their information. They told me the registrar of voters. I talked to them and researched the problem and it turned out that no one ever entered the information which caused the Republican Party and some key people who endorse to pass me by. This problem was not caught until April 10. The paperwork proves I completed everything Feb. 13 and qualified for the ballot. My lawyers are involved now.
What are the issues you will focus on as a state assemblyman?
Looking at where our tax dollars are being spent. Making sure all the money that is being slated for education is getting there. And seniors, I will be focusing on taking care of our seniors because of the growing population. And I repeat again, no new taxes.
Has Mayor Kevin Faulconer officially endorsed your candidacy?
Although Kevin and I are friends and fraternity brothers I have not asked him to endorse me. I worked on his re-election for City Council and was on the finance committee for his mayoral election but I have always been a man that stands on his own merits and I am leaving it up to the people to decide if I am worthy. I would not want someone to vote for me just because he asked; I want people to vote for me because they believe in me.
As a Republican do you support the party platform which defines marriage as between one man and one woman?
Love is complicated and you do not choose who you love and no one should tell you who to love.
Why should Assembly District 78 residents vote for you?
They should vote for me because I will work for them and I will do what they ask, not special interests. I will take on a fight and won’t back down and those who know me know that’s exactly what I will do.
Why should the LGBT community vote for you?
Because I believe in the equality of all people.
Assembly District 78 covers a diverse range of communities. How will you serve all these communities that have conflicting interests?
Through education. People are afraid of what they don’t know. They are afraid of change. Economically, areas want the same things. I also want to help this tax problem.
You’ve stated that if elected you will donate $50,000 of your state Assembly salary to senior programs and education in the 78th District. How and why will you do this?
Why, because I believe in leading by example and if I am willing to put my own money where my mouth is that will show you that I am dedicated. I am not looking for money and power; I am looking to make a better life for all people.
For more information on Kevin Melton visit kevinmelton.net
It is my understanding that Todd Gloria is removing your signs. He is a snake in the grass, along with Atkins.
Good luck