With marriage equality at some point becoming the law of the land, and although conservative Christians and other social conservatives are aware that this is the case, they still rail against it even though the vigor is lost.
Time to change what social conservatives focus on in their culture wars. And, it’s trans people that they’re moving to. And, their new language in arguing against trans people isn’t just the “bathroom bill” meme; their relatively new talking point uses the term “privacy.”
The Privacy For All Students coalition which is still trying to get a recall of The School Success and Opportunity Act (AB 1266) states on their Web site “It’s an invasion of student privacy to open sensitive school facilities such as showers, restrooms and locker rooms to students of the opposite sex.”
“The push for radical transgender rights in schools is trumping privacy rights at one Colorado high school,” stated the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) in an October article last year about a Colorado transgender student.
“A male student at Florence High School who claims to be transgender has been harassing girls in the bathroom,” their article went on to say about a since debunked story of the behavior in the girls bathrooms by the transgender student in question. “When parents complained, school officials said the boy’s rights as transgender trumped their daughters’ privacy rights.”
“Allowing teenage boys and girls in the same locker room, showering side by side, is a bad idea,” stated Assemblymember Tim Donnelly (R-33) in a column for World Net Daily about AB 1266. “In fact, AB 1266 is a recipe for disaster. This will take the normal hormonal battles raging inside every teenager and pour gasoline onto those simmering coals. The right to privacy enjoyed by every student will be replaced by the right to be ogled.”
“The two things we expect in a bathroom are privacy and comfort. We’ve just taken that away from 99.99 percent of the student population in public schools,” stated Sen. Steve Knight (R-21) in a press conference regarding AB 1266.
“Designating a third neutral facility is deemed discrimination, thus threatening the privacy rights of all public school children,” said California Board of Equalization member Steve Runner (R) at that same news conference.
“The school commissioner’s first duty is to protect all students, from kindergarten to grade 12, not endanger them,” stated the president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, Kris Mineau in arguing against a privacy policy enacted in Massachusetts.
“My wife and I are responsible to protect our daughters’ privacy and safety, and we take that responsibility seriously,” said New York Families’ president, Rev. Jason J. McGuire on the New York Families Web site about New York’s Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act.
“Privacy” is the new buzzword, the new add to the “bathroom bill” meme talking point used by people against trans girls and women using girls’ and women’s restrooms.
It shouldn’t be lost on anyone that bathrooms and locker rooms have historically played a part in every civil rights movement. It’s everything from Jim Crow laws to anti-Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) arguments stating that the ERA would require men and women to use the same restrooms; everything from arguing the American Disabilities Act would cost businesses too much to make their restrooms wheelchair accessible to lesbians and gays ogling at all men and women in barracks and locker rooms.
Arguments against civil rights for trans people have boiled down to bathrooms, and “privacy” is the new buzzword to argue against those civil rights. But it’s still bathrooms and locker rooms … always bathrooms and locker rooms.
Privacy IS a legitimate issue, whether you like it, or not. Using a bathroom that does not match your physical sex is an imposition. I am willing to make allowances for surgery tracked transsexuals, who are in the process of completing the Real Life Test, or who have been approved for surgery, and who are waiting. If you are not surgery tracked, then you really should not be in the bathroom that does not match your sex. I know that is not going to be a popular idea, but your chosen behavior does not trump privacy rights.
And to compare segregation by sex, which is an accepted, and long established policy with the absurd idea of segregating people based simply on race is a non-starter. There is no comparison. Your right to behave contrary to societal norms does not trump my right to privacy. No matter how much you try to spin it. I have a right to NOT have males parading around nude in a sex segregated changing facility, and I have a right to have someplace (i.e. the bathroom) where I can be reasonable sure that some man is not poking around, even if he likes to dress up as a woman.
Nice one, Jennifer Usher. Ew.
Well, your name says a lot…. Hey, I know reality is hard to accept.
A Woman, Period, so would you be comfortable for a little girl to see a hairy chested, bearded dude with a deep voice in the ladies restroom?
The safety of young females is what is at issue here, Sandeen and the transgender extremists want to places penises in women’s spaces and ruin what we have as females and as true transsexuals have fought for. putting men in women’s spaces disguised at transsexuals is a discredit to both the true TS community and a danger to females everywhere. There have been hundreds of cases many of which were posted here in this very column of men disguised as women have brought harm to women in bathrooms. This is a thinly veiled attempt at legalizing rape.
There are laws, and there are bad laws, bad laws should be nullified and reversed.
It alway is interesting how so-called transwomen have no concern for real women’s feelings or needs.
Sad but true, who would have thought men in dresses would undermine the progress made by women over the last 100 years. Oh wait, Janice Raymond did, the Paulette Revere of the woman’s movement.