Radical right-wing attacks Carl DeMaio

Congressional candidate and former City Councilman Carl DeMaio continues to be the target of radical right-wing Republicans and Christian fundamentalist extremists who are trying everything they can to defeat DeMaio, who is considered the frontrunner in the upcoming June primary. They have made it clear in their right wing newsletters, blogs etc. that they do…

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Veronica Mars

dvd of the week On DVD and Netflix After three seasons, Veronica Mars, the mostly excellent TV show about a much hipper Nancy Drew (Kristen Bell) in fictional Neptune, Calif. (but filmed in Oceanside), was cancelled. Creator Rob Thomas wanted Warner Bros. to make a movie, but they declined. Several years later, Thomas and Bell…

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Mr. Angel

dvr this On DVD and Netflix Buck Angel is arguably the most fascinating porn star alive, and it is not only because he is a rough muscle daddy who is a transman who decided not to have bottom surgery. That is what makes him a curiosity to some and extremely hot to others. But he…

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Sorry, Dana, DeMaio’s no dream

I doubt there is any real danger that a Fox News item would convince most San Diegans that former Councilmember Carl DeMaio is our dream congressional candidate. Still, Dana Perino’s article (http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/04/28/california-house-race-no-one-puts-gay-republican-carl-demaio-in-corner/) Straight talk about gay Republican congressional candidate Carl DeMaio warrants some discussion. Perino’s column begins by suggesting that DeMaio’s biography and Council record…

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