Kaki Johnson received a standing ovation Sunday as she preached for the last time as a 21-year staff member for the Metropolitan Community Church in San Diego as she is retiring and moving close to St. Louis, Mo.
Kaki has held many positions at MCC since she was hired in 1993 including coordinator for AIDS services, director of children’s ministry, coordinator for the adult Sunday school class and Wednesday Night Alive meetings.
“I have never met a person as extraordinary as Kaki Johnson,” said Rev. Houston Burnside, Jr. “Kaki is a gem of a woman and an all around great person to know and work with!”
Kaki has also overseen other Bible and Christian education studies. Several members mentioned how her voice was soothing as she took part in church services. Burnside credited her “strong sense of connection with the Divine” and her “daily vulnerable humbleness in being still before God.”
“Kaki has been a spiritual guru for me, teaching me so much about prayer and meditation, living in the moment, being still and letting God be God, and setting boundaries for my care and well-being,” said Lee Bowman, minister of communications for MCC.
Kaki’s partner, Joy, whom she met at MCC in a Bible study, is also retiring. They plan to drive to the area with their dog and cat in the first week of May. They will live somewhat close to St. Louis and will attend the MCC there. Joy has other family members in neighboring states.
“I am grateful to God for every moment in the past and the present with everyone here at MCC San Diego,” said Johnson in a statement to MCC members. “There is nothing about being in ministry and a member of MCC San Diego that I or we want to leave.
“It is just that I want prayer time more, and we are at this new chapter in our lives where it is time to retire. We can do this by this move in a way we could not here in San Diego,” stated Kaki.
Kaki’s first position at MCC was as a receptionist. She has two adult children, four grandchildren and has worked as a volunteer with a hospice organization. Senior Pastor Dan Koeshall is on vacation in Australia and could not be reached for comment.