Pornhub recently got together with Buzzfeed to bring you their latest porn statistics. According to Pornhub the majority of states with a high percentage of gay viewers is in the South, where gay marriage is illegal in all states. The South loves gay porn so much, that the percentage of gay viewers for every single state in the South is higher than the average of the legal gay marriage states.
In number one, holding a record 5.58% gay users, is Mississippi. Louisiana follows closely behind at 5.44%, and Georgia with 5.38%.
As for the states with legalized gay marriage, there’s no big surprises in the top 3: Hawaii at 5.38%, followed by New York at 5.27%, and California with 5.27%.
In states where gay marriage is illegal its Alaska, Montana, North Dakota and Idaho that have the lowest percentage of gay porn users, all below the 3% mark.