A New York mother is causing a stir after her response to her young son’s classmate’s birthday party invitation was sent to a radio station after the two dads to a seven-year-old girl were sent a brutally homophobic R.S.V.P from the boy’s dad. The New York-based couple then decided to invite their local radio station –K98.3 – which not only accepted but printed the invite on their Facebook page.
The fathers say they initially received a response from the boy’s mother Beth after attempting to invite her son Tommy to their daughter’s tie dye birthday party. They received the invitation back shocked not only by the response but the thinking that went on behind the denial.:
“Tommy will NOT be attending,” wrote Beth on the invitation. “I do not believe in what you do and will not subject my innocent son to your ‘lifestyle’. I’m sorry Sophia has to grow up this way. If you have an issue or need to speak to me [phone number].”
People everywhere have expressed outrage. Beth’s phone number was initially blurred from the picture, but the radio station removed the blur and said, “Beth gave us permission to post her phone number and said anyone who has a problem with what she wrote can call her, too!”
Many, if not most of the Facebook respondents gave some variation of the following response: You have the right to believe in anything you want and you especially have the right to practice your religious beliefs as you see fit. But to drag your children into is not only unfit, it’s a particularly nasty form of homophobia.
The DJ’s that first aired this story have admitted that they created the entire story.