Meet Michael Sam. Sam is a college football player for the University of Missouri, aka Mizzou. Sam has decided that he wants to be the first openly gay NFL player, so he decided to come out; before the draft.
I can’t express how much courage Sam has exhibited. Would you risk potentially millions of dollars to simply say “I am gay.” I think not. Many LGBT people are afraid to come out and risk their much less compensated jobs.
Sam has said it is important to live authentically. He came out to his team before their championship season last year. That’s right, before Mizzou went on to win the Cotton Bowl, as well as achieve a 12 and 2 season. Sam’s teammates accepted him with open arms. Why? Because he was the best defensive lineman with an impressive 11.5 sacks last year. His teammates personified what all teams should; what matters is a person’s performance on the field.
Predictably, there are those who are saying what is going to happen in the locker room. While Sam’s Mizzou teammates were enlightened, there will be those in the NFL who will not be. The absolute arrogance of NFL players that believe all gay men think about is sex is insulting. Sam is there to play the game and win, not look at you.
This is the perfect opportunity for all who want to achieve LGBT equality to show their support. Once Sam is drafted by a team, we should all line up to buy his jersey. We should buy tickets to any game that he plays in our city. Simply showing our appreciation for a team and owner who know what counts when it comes to your job is not who you love, but how you perform.
If more in the LGBT community took a play from Sam’s playbook, our rights would be so much farther ahead. Maybe it is time for all of us to finally say “I’m gay,” “I’m lesbian,””I’m bisexual,” or “I’m transgender,” to our co-workers. After all most of us are not risking millions of dollars like Michael Sam. But Sam is courageous.
San Diego LGBT Weekly