CHICAGO, — Professional Diversity Network , Inc. (Nasdaq:IPDN) has released its first Diversity Jobs Report, which provides statistical data specific to the nation’s employment situation for various workforce segments by a range of criteria such as education, industry sector and geography. The report also includes a new Diversity Jobs Index (DJI) that sheds light on the monthly employment condition for women, veterans, disabled persons, Hispanics, African Americans, Asian Americans and members of the LGBT community.
The inaugural DJI revealed:
- Though modest, overall demand for diverse talent increased from December 2013 to January 2014;
- Increases are attributed to job growth in Financial Activities, Information and Constructioncategories
- Weaknesses in Public Administration and Wholesale and Retail Trade were a drag on the demand for diverse candidates
Other report highlights include:
- For every percentage increase in the rate of racial or gender diversity (up to the rate represented in the relevant population), employers increased sales revenue by approximately 9 and 3 percent, respectively
To download the full Diversity Jobs report, visit
The future release of Diversity Job reports and the DJI will coincide with the U.S. Department of Labor’sBureau of Labor Statistics monthly Employment Situation report.