SD LGBT Pride seeks local heroes for Spirit of Stonewall Award nominations

San Diego LGBT Pride

SAN DIEGO — In preparation for their 40th anniversary, themed Reflections of Pride, San Diego LGBT Pride’s is inviting the community to identify their unsung heroes who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allies for the annual Spirit of Stonewall Awards. The awards recognize individuals, couples and organizations who contribute significantly to the LGBT community though their leadership, activism, and fundraising efforts.

Award categories include: Community Grand Marshal, Champion of Pride, Friend(s) of Pride, Stonewall Service, Inspirational Couple, and Community Service.

“Recognition is one of the greatest ways to encourage and perpetuate further acts of courage and change, so we ask you to take part in the nomination process,” said Stephen Whitburn, executive director for San Diego LGBT Pride. “Help us ensure that those who contribute to the community are honored and not overlooked.”
The deadline for nominations is Feb. 28. The San Diego LGBT Pride Community Advisory Council and board of directors will review all submissions and will announce award recipients in May.

For more information on the award criteria and submission process visit

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