Boxer Orlando Cruz proposes to boyfriend, Facebook style
Puerto Rico-native and openly gay featherweight boxing sensation Orlando Cruz made news again Wednesday when he publicly proposed to his long-time boyfriend Jose Manuel on Facebook. Speaking in Spanish, Cruz declared, “Through the ups and downs we’ve had, you’ve always been there for your number, as one says. I’m a little bit nervous, but that aside, I…

WWE Superstar Darren Young comes out – ‘I’m Gay and I’m happy’ (VIDEO)
http://youtu.be/IjMHjuET8iM WWE superstar Darren Young made history yesterday as the first openly gay wrestler ever at the WWE. He came out in an interview with TMZ at LAX yesterday. When TMZ asked whether a gay wrestler could succeed in WWE, Darren laughed, saying, “Absolutely. Look at me. I’m a WWE superstar and to be honest…

AIDSVu releases new maps that depict impact of HIV in San Diego
ATLANTA – An interactive map of the HIV epidemic in San Diego is now available for the first time on AIDSVu, the most detailed publicly available maps of HIV prevalence in the United States. The Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University launched AIDSVu’s new interactive online maps showing the latest HIV prevalence data for San…

Nichols to leave HBA in strong position
BY THOM SENZEE Saying he has worked in the world of non-profit management long enough and wants to try something different – namely, the world of for-profit, corporate business – Hillcrest Business Association executive director, Benjamin Nichols officially announced his resignation Tuesday at HBA’s monthly board of directors meeting. “I’m ready to try something new,”…

California Supreme Court dismisses Prop. 8 lawsuit
SAN FRANCISCO — The California Supreme Court refused Wednesday to revive Proposition 8, ending the last remaining legal challenge to same-sex marriage in the state. The Los Angeles Times reported that in its challenge before the state’s highest court ProtectMarriage, Prop. 8’s sponsors argued that a single judge lacked the authority to overturn a state…

Wilson Cruz, Russell Roybal to be honored at the Nicky Awards
The Board of Governors of the Nicky Awards have announced the recipients of the Aug. 25 event’s highest honors. Popular T.V. and movie star Wilson Cruz and national gay and lesbian Task Force (N.G.L.T.F.) Deputy Director Russell Roybal as well as the local chapter of Gay for Good will be receiving the Harvey Milk Award which…

Singers and volunteers sought for San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus holiday show
SAN DIEGO – Do you love to sing? Maybe it’s in the shower or in your car or in the middle of Mo’s dance floor on a Saturday night. If so, and you like putting some loco to your motion, come to the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus (SDGMC) “Info Night” and learn more about the chorus, its members…

DOD announces same-sex spouse benefits
Today, the Department of Defense (DOD) announced its plan to extend benefits to same-sex spouses of uniformed service members and Department of Defense civilian employees. The announcement stated: After a review of the department’s benefit policies following the Supreme Court’s ruling that Section Three of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional, and in…

Russian news anchor: hearts of gays should be ‘buried or burned’ (VIDEO)
http://youtu.be/H4gyZWlZm7o A popular Russian news anchor has declared that the hearts of gay people should be ‘buried or burned’ and that they are “unsuitable for a continuation of life. Queerty.com reported that Dmitri Kisilev, deputy general director of Rossiya 1, Russia’s state-owned and government-controlled news network, was discussing Putin’s new “gay propaganda” laws on “Vesti”, the…