FACT SHEET on President Obama’s immigration reform

The White House released today a fact sheet outlining the key principles  President Obama believes should be included in commonsense immigration reform. From the fact sheet: FACT SHEET: Fixing our Broken Immigration System so Everyone Plays by the Rules America’s immigration system is broken. Too many employers game the system by hiring undocumented workers and there…

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Senators call on Panetta to extend benefits to LGBT servicemembers

WASHINGTON – Army Veteran and OutServe-SLDN Executive Director Allyson Robinson today praised Senate Armed Services Committee members Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) for calling on Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to end his two-year silence on extending recognition, support, and benefits to LGBT servicemembers and their families as the law currently allows….

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Kathleen Wynne becomes Ontario’s first female premier and Canada’s first out LGBT premier

ONTARIO, Canada – Last Saturday at the Ontario Liberal leadership convention Kathleen Wynne beat Sandra Pupatello to be elected to lead the party and become Ontario’s first female premier — and Canada’s first out LGBT premier. BuzzFeed reported that Wynne, 59, and  married to Jane Rounthwaite, said she believed her sexual orientation would not be…

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Pride group: Chick-fil-A doesn’t fund most divisive groups

(CNN) — Chick-fil-A restaurants’ philanthropic WinShape Foundation no longer funds the most controversial and politically charged anti-same-sex-marriage groups and has not since 2011, according to Campus Pride, a leading national LGBT campus organization. Campus Pride issued a statement Monday claiming that Chick-fil-A gave the organization’s executive director, Shane Windmeyer, access to WinShape’s 2011 “990” tax…

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Business coalition launches in support of Respect for Marriage Act

WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign,  announced today the formation of a business coalition made up of Fortune 500 and brand name companies that support ending federal discrimination against legally married gay and lesbian couples. Currently, because of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), lawfully married same-sex couples are not recognized by the federal government…

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