HRC highlights President Obama’s commitment to equality with banner on national headquarters

WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign, has unveiled a new banner on its national headquarters in Washington, D.C., to commemorate President Obama’s historic inclusion of LGBT equality in his second inaugural address. In his speech last month, the President cited Stonewall and went on to say that “Our journey is not complete until our gay…

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Rubio aims to avoid same-sex rights as ‘central issue’ in immigration debate

(CNN) — Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said Tuesday he hopes immigration rights for same-sex couples “doesn’t become a central issue” in the ongoing debate, referring to it as a “landmine” that could thwart attempts to pass a comprehensive immigration reform package. In a wide-ranging interview with BuzzFeed that streamed live online, the junior senator from…

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Man pleads guilty to Family Research Council shooting

(CNN) — Floyd Corkins has pleaded guilty to shooting a Family Research Council employee in August, telling a federal judge Wednesday that he wanted to intimidate gay rights opponents. Corkins, 28, pleaded guilty to three charges related to the shooting at the conservative policy group’s Washington headquarters, including committing an act of terrorism, interstate transportation…

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New LGBT-themed book by San Diego author reveals an unusual twist

Out by Laura Preble Kindle edition, 1st edition, 266 pages In a society where “perpendiculars,” opposite-sex couples, are forbidden, persecuted, freakish…Chris Bryant, a preacher’s son, finds himself in love…with a girl. Chris has always been faithful to his Anglicant religion – even though he’s never felt like everyone else, never felt…parallel. And then it happens:…

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